Not A Hero Critic Reviews
58 Total Reviews
51 Positive Reviews(87.9%)
6 Mixed Reviews(10.3%)
0 Negative Reviews(0%)
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God is a Geek
May 14, 2015
Bringing fun in abundance and a criminal amount of puns to the table, Not a Hero is a cult-classic in the making, cementing itself as one of the best indie shooters around.
May 16, 2015
It is well made and feels so amazingly solid, it is just a shame it is over too quickly.
Gaming Nexus
August 6, 2015
Relentless action, strong gameplay variety and a killer wit make Not a Hero one of the best indie games of 2015.
August 26, 2015
Not A Hero is direct, fiery and wonderfully entertaining. Without a
doubt one of this year's best action games.
May 14, 2015
Roll7 delivers yet another unique experience, also addictive and fun. If you're looking for a shooting-based game like you've never seen before, Not a Hero is the right choice.
May 18, 2015
If you like classic shooter, you should definitely give this one a chance.
Digital Spy
May 14, 2015
An interesting and, importantly, fun game with enough going for it to keep you coming back, trying out new and different things and generally helping out in one of the most violently dodgy election campaigns ever seen.
May 14, 2015
A tight, funny, smart, focused, super-violent 2D cover-shooter that works a whole hell of a lot better than you might expect.
Attack of the Fanboy
May 14, 2015
It's easy to dismiss this as Hotline Miami with a different point-of-view, but Not A Hero stands on its own merits as a frenetic shooter.
We Got This Covered
May 14, 2015
Its fast-paced action might take a little while to come to grips with, but once you do, Not A Hero is a non-stop action ride, filled with all the pixel violence and dry humor you can handle.
May 14, 2015
Despite its quirks and difficulties, Not a Hero is a spectacularly addictive game.
May 15, 2015
A Bunnylord, gruesome pixellated deaths, politics by force, and sliding while shooting...After reading that, you already know if Not A Hero is for you.
May 15, 2015
Not A Hero is another great title from Roll7, and another must play title for fans of games that make you pull out your hair with their difficulty, but give you the best feeling imaginable when you clear a level.
Hooked Gamers
May 16, 2015
If you’re looking for some politically charged, bloody action, then Not A Hero will get your vote.
Game Rant
May 17, 2015
Not A Hero may not constantly tickle the funny bones, but its lighthearted satirical moments and thrilling combat make the game something special for players after a challenge.
Hardcore Gamer
May 18, 2015
I have to admit that I wasn’t easily sold on Not A Hero. It was difficult to figure out how it wanted me to play at first, and even the easiest levels saw a lot of dead BunnyLord minions due to arguing with the combination dash/cover button and forgetting to keeping an eye on my ammo count. Then I learned to play it right and then it all made sense, with each level becoming a test of both action and course execution.
Eurogamer Poland
May 19, 2015
Addictive, spectacular and enjoyable shooter with a decent dose of humor.
Critical Hit
May 21, 2015
Not A Hero is an unforgiving and relentless dive into the world of politics, bullets and ballots. Silly, violent and nostalgic in all the right ways, it’s strangely weird and gleeful attempt at winning votes with swift deaths and top notch level design.