Nuclear Throne Critic Reviews
16 Total Reviews
15 Positive Reviews(93.8%)
0 Mixed Reviews(0%)
0 Negative Reviews(0%)
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February 21, 2016
Nuclear Throne knows what it is and makes no bones about it. It’s a difficult, stylized roguelike with a clear vision of what it’s trying to achieve.
December 15, 2019
While Nuclear Throne might at first appear to be another difficult bullet-hell or punishing roguelike, a little practice quickly reveals a system that is meant to make the game accessible by a broad range of players. Thanks to the procedurally generated levels, weapon drops, and opponents, the game has virtually endless replay value and is an outstanding free game from Epic Games this week.
December 8, 2015
Nuclear Throne manages to walk a fine line between challenging, with options for the player who wants to succeed in the post-apocalypse, and unfairly difficult, filled with obstacles that will induce frustration for even the most hardened fans of the rogue-like genre.
Metro GameCentral
December 10, 2015
Another perfectly constructed neo-arcade game from the makers of Luftrausers, which perfectly marries twin stick shooters with roguelike punishment.
PC Gamer
December 14, 2015
A crowning achievement for Vlambeer, and one of the finest action-roguelikes ever made.
December 18, 2015
Its action is brutal, over-the-top, and rewarding; a hyperactive arcade-style shoot-em-up with enough dynamism to keep me captivated moment to moment, but a strong sense of strategy to give me something to invest in over longer playthroughs.
December 22, 2015
A real rush to play rogue-like experience. Dozens of hours of challenge and fun awaits for the most talented and expert players.
January 8, 2016
It's a very challenging game, but the gameplay is so well crafted that it becomes more and more natural while you master it. Definitely a game worth considering for 2D fans.
January 27, 2016
Grab the spoils of combat as quickly as you can, and get ready to be sucked in to the next level. Just be glad you don’t have to keep putting money in when you die again, and again, and again.
April 8, 2016
It’s wonderful, evil, gorgeous, horrible, satisfying and merciless. You might hate its lack of checkpoints, or bad levels spawns that almost instantly kill you. It doesn’t care. Screw you. It hates you. But you’ll love it.
December 21, 2015
Nuclear Throne is a frantic and challenging action game. If you love the rogue-like games get this without hesitation.
January 22, 2016
An amazingly simple game when it comes to mechanics, but also one that offers an incredible amount of challenge, secrets, and pure, unfettered fun. Definitely one of the best Roguelikes out there, even with its technical limitations.
Kill Screen
January 27, 2016
For a game that has zero puzzle elements Nuclear Throne sure feels like a seeing-eye puzzle.
January 31, 2016
Brain off, trigger finger on. It's easy to forget the simple visuals and it's ideal for a quick game.
March 4, 2016
Vlambeer’s game is difficult, repetitive and ugly but it doesn’t stop it from being unbelievably addictive.
Rock, Paper, Shotgun
December 8, 2015
This is so immediately accessible, so ridiculously replayable, and so satisfying to get better at, that it transcends. And if those sorts of games are your thing and you’ve not already delved in during development, then flipping crikey, get this immediately.