
Oceanhorn 2: Knights of the Lost Realm Critic Reviews

16 Total Reviews

10 Positive Reviews(62.5%)
6 Mixed Reviews(37.5%)
0 Negative Reviews(0%)

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Nintenderos October 28, 2020
Oceanhorn 2: Knights of the Lost Realm is a beautiful title that fans of the action adventure genre will love. Although it is inspired by Zelda, it has its own personality and stands out in the Nintendo Switch catalog.
NintendoWorldReport October 28, 2020
Oceanhorn 2 has one or two glaring weaknesses. I certainly had moments of real frustration, but upon overcoming them I’d once again be presented with a world I couldn’t help but explore. The story is fun, if a little predictable. Dungeons and puzzles in the world are varied and just the right degree of challenging. It also certainly doesn’t hurt that it is a gorgeous game that holds its own as one of the prettier on Switch. The genre blending mechanics that Oceanhorn 2 brings to the table help to elevate it above the failings it has. Some bumps along the way can’t prevent this from being a journey worth taking.
Nintendo Enthusiast October 28, 2020
Oceanhorn 2: Knights of the Lost Realm, like the original Oceanhorn, fails to have its own identity. However, in some areas, it does Zelda better than, well, Zelda. While the sub-par combat and iffy performance bog down the experience, its beautiful world, clever puzzles, and solid pacing elevate it to the very tip-top of the “Zelda-like” list.
Video Chums November 1, 2020
Oceanhorn 2: Knights of the Lost Realm offers a top-notch adventure with clever situations and mechanics being introduced at nearly every turn. It's also an impressive step up from the first game so I'm looking forward to what Cornfox & Bros. create next.
TheSixthAxis November 19, 2020
Oceanhorn 2's debt of inspiration to the Legend of Zelda series is hard to avoid, but it would be a shame to dismiss this as a simply copy or clone when it's a thoroughly enjoyable experience in and of itself. Given the more expansive, survival-based turn that Zelda took with Breath of the Wild, there is actually a real niche for the oldschool dungeon approach and Oceanhorn 2 fills this with aplomb. It may be I Can’t Believe It’s Not Zelda, but that isn’t necessarily a bad thing.
4Players.de November 6, 2020
The action rpg obviously took its inspiration from the Zelda-series, while scoring with its own game world as well as the puzzle design.
Gaming Age July 13, 2021
Oceanhorn 2 wears its influences pretty clearly on its sleeve, and it does so in a way that doesn’t always do it any favours, but if you can ignore that and accept it on its own terms, you’ll find a game that’s pretty enjoyable in its own right.
Vandal October 30, 2020
Oceanhorn 2 is an obvious evolution from the previous entry. It lacks personality, but it also is a good adventure that won’t disappoint those who enjoyed the original game.
Gaming Nexus November 20, 2020
Oceanhorn 2: Knights of the Lost Realm looks and feels like a Legend of Zelda game, which is good. But comparing it to the Zelda series might lead to disappointment whereas, on its own, it's mostly enjoyable. If you're looking for a Zelda-like experience, Oceanhorn 2 should help fulfill that void for a while, as long as you give it some time to do so.
GameCritics January 11, 2021
Players looking for a cheery Legend of Zelda-style title will find it in Oceanhorn 2, and with a much smaller pricetag. It may have a few issues, but it’s worth the price of admission to see what this talented team has put together.
GamingTrend October 28, 2020
While it looks and performs better on console, a port simply cannot fix the problems at Oceanhorn 2’s core. Still, it may be worth dipping your toes in if you’re a 3D Zelda fanatic.
Screen Rant October 28, 2020
Oceanhorn 2 previously had the privilege of being the closest that one could get to playing Legend of Zelda on their phone, but it doesn't have that same distinction on the Switch where it is up against giants like Breath of The Wild. As a result, some of the game's luster has been lost, even though it's perfectly serviceable for those interested.
Nintendo Life October 28, 2020
Oceanhorn 2 is a decent game, albeit one that doesn't do enough to stick out from the crowd. Excellent presentation and a clear understanding of the mechanics underlying the Zelda franchise make for a game that is satisfying and ultimately worth the price of admission. At the same time, however, a slight pervasive shallowness in the various gameplay systems keeps it from ever becoming too engaging of an experience, as it never delves as deep as it could with many of its ideas. We’d give Oceanhorn 2 a light recommendation, but with the caveat that you might want to wait for a sale on this one.
Switch Player November 6, 2020
Oceanhorn 2 looks to offer a suitable alternative whilst we await BOTW2. Though there are rumblings of an excellent and engaging open-world adventure, Cornfox & Bros. haven’t quite left their mark with this game in ways they should have.
Game World Navigator Magazine February 17, 2021
Do Switch players really need a very poor Zelda clone when they can always replay Breath of the Wild?
Cubed3 January 8, 2021
Oceanhorn 2 has the odd moment which is really enjoyable, mostly limited to the puzzles and bosses within the dungeons. But there could be so much more here, there are glimpses of a game that could be really special, but it regularly loses the attention of its audience due to the barren open world. The presentation feels low quality and dated, the combat clunky, the world empty. This looked so promising, but is quite the disappointment.