
Odama Critic Reviews

42 Total Reviews

10 Positive Reviews(23.8%)
31 Mixed Reviews(73.8%)
1 Negative Reviews(2.4%)

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Nintendo Power June 12, 2024
And despite being extraordinarily challenging in that way that makes die-hard games totally addicted but can drive off casual players, it is a game that every Nintendo fan must play.
GameBrink June 12, 2024
Odama is a rare treat of a game as it's unique, extremely playable, and a lot of fun. If you can get past the wacky difficulty that isn't consistent from level to level and don't mind a game being a short 5ish hours then you're in for a treat.
Pelit (Finland) June 12, 2024
Weird and funny at the same time. As a pinball it is nothing extraordinary and in a strategic sense it is quite simple. But when both the elements are combined, the result is much more than you would expect.
GamePro June 12, 2024
Odama is imaginative and is proof that you don't need to be more annoying than Jessica Simpson, like Katamari, to be a successful whacky videogame.
Da Gameboyz June 12, 2024
Such things as clunky control, the hit and miss graphics, the relatively short time to finish the game, and the need for a little more tweaking on the overall implementation of a great idea really hold Odama back.
Detroit Free Press June 12, 2024
My biggest nit with Odama is that it is very difficult to win. But you can keep trying. And victory will sometime be yours. The other guys don't even have a giant ball on their side.
DarkStation June 12, 2024
This is not pinball as we know it, but once again Nintendo comes up with a quirky take on an old idea. Very novel, but perhaps too complex for newcomers.
Game Informer June 12, 2024
While any pinball game should have an element of randomness, there are times in Odama when an accidental ball bounce floods a river and sweeps your entire army away in one fell swoop.
Armchair Empire June 12, 2024
In short, controlled bursts Odama is fun but in stretches no longer than half an hour. And for all the uniqueness and quirkiness of the title, it can't offset the fact there's more luck involved than actual skill.
GamerFeed June 12, 2024
Odama takes the hard way and really makes you work to see every one of its twelve levels. This will fascinate many looking for something new from Nintendo's camp, but the whole thing seems a bit done in by a clunky, uninteractive control scheme and a cramped presentation.
Kombo June 12, 2024
Initial frustration is a must for this game, as it is very complex for a pinball title. Reading the manual is a must, so all of you hardcore gamers (myself included) who tend to skip the manual, you better back up and read it. It helps a lot.
N-Insanity June 12, 2024
There are a good number of entertaining moments, but the frustration can really hurt one's enjoyment. It's definitely for the hardcore gamer, and those that enjoy doing multiple things at once when playing a game.
Computer and Video Games June 12, 2024
The mash-up idea's splendid and it offers real depth and innovation. In fact, once you get over the control hurdle, you'll find a very decent, challenging and rewarding game.
netjak June 12, 2024
Odama is the third-best console game that involves rolling a giant ball over people. This is not the faint praise that it would initially seem to be, but neither is it the best of recommendations.
GameSpot June 12, 2024
It's definitely unique as far as strategy games go, but Odama's novel mechanics and oddly authentic samurai feel are kneecapped by punishing difficulty and oft frustrating controls.
Cheat Code Central June 12, 2024
I just can't get behind it as it suffers from too high a frustration factor which could have been easily tweaked. There are simply too many gameplay elements going on at once which results in an uneven experience.
GameZone June 12, 2024
If you want a game that has never been done before then you deserve to give Odama a try. Just be prepared to succumb to the unforgiving difficulty and quirky gameplay.
Nintendojo June 12, 2024
The idea is solid, solid enough that it should be revisited in the future, even if the execution this time around is lacking.
eToychest June 12, 2024
One gets the feeling that the developers couldn't come to a decision as to which particular aspect should carry the most weight, be it pinball or strategy, and in the end Odama ends up feeling like a game without focus. The game can also be punishingly difficult
IGN June 12, 2024
Any aspirations the game may have held for greatness are obliterated by outdated graphics and sometimes-clunky execution, with drawbacks ranging from an unnecessary sluggish framerate to collision detection glitches, occasionally lacking microphone voice recognition and stupidly inputted cursor commands.