OlliOlli Critic Reviews
55 Total Reviews
51 Positive Reviews(92.7%)
4 Mixed Reviews(7.3%)
0 Negative Reviews(0%)
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January 21, 2014
You will be frustrated, you will swear more than you have at any point in your life before, but you will have one amazing sense of accomplishment when you complete goals and levels. OlliOlli is one amazing game, it is an instant classic. If you own a Vita, you need to pick this up right away.
January 21, 2014
The game is in the sweetspot of "simple to control" and "just difficult enough" to keep you playing without tearing your hair out. The Daily Grind and Spots challenges will keep the score-centric crowd happy, and Career mode will have you blistering your thumbs as you try to perfect each level. A masterpiece.
Gaming Age
January 21, 2014
Ultimately, though, it all comes back to the gameplay, and on that front, OlliOlli delivers: it's hard, it's addictive, and it's got tonnes of replay value. If you own a PS Vita, it's most definitely a must-own.
January 21, 2014
Elegant, understated and yet with the capacity for wild showboating, OlliOlli is a twitch classic, a startling console debut from a young British indie that manages to bring together the purity and focus of seminal arcade games with the latest asynchronous multiplayer designs.
God is a Geek
January 21, 2014
With a fair learning curve that will ease in all-comers, and RAD mode (every landing must be a perfect one) for the people who want a challenge, this is an absolute must own game.
January 21, 2014
A great, addictive arcade that those looking for a challenge, and particularly those fond of skateboarding, will love. We think it needs a level editor, but so far there's a lot of content to keep us going.
Eurogamer Portugal
January 22, 2014
OlliOlli is a lot of fun, whether you're a fan of skateboarding or not.
Eurogamer Germany
January 27, 2014
Even in writing this review I had to pause numerous times to play OlliOlli for just one more go.
IGN Italia
January 31, 2014
OlliOlli manages to understand the real nature of skateboarding, translating it into an addictive and devilish 2D game. Don't miss it, if you have a Vita.
Eurogamer Spain
January 31, 2014
OlliOlli has the philosophy of a hardcore game with the looks of a mobile one. Truth is it's complex enough to be very addictive and the kind of game the PS Vita needs.
Digitally Downloaded
March 6, 2014
When a game nails the gameplay this cleanly, everything else that OlliOlli gives players is icing on the cake.
Gaming Nexus
February 27, 2014
Olli Olli is an impressive effort that is only hampered by a few bugs. But if you can look past them you'll find one of the best games on the Vita.
January 23, 2014
Simple and complex at the same time, OlliOlli comes with a scheme of controls that we must master if we want to unblock more leves and challenges. And a difficulty level high, which it will challenge us to defeat it and make honor to our long-winning title of Gamer . Long, cheap, challenging, tense and funny. What else do we need?
January 21, 2014
Despite a few minor technical issues, OlliOlli‘s simple, focused take on skateboarding is smart enough to breathe new life into the waning genre.
January 21, 2014
OlliOlli might not be the broadest skateboard experience out there, but in this department, it might be the most refined.
January 28, 2014
OlliOlli is about a flow; a balance between fun and challenge, in which rhythm and skills are crucial. The game does this in such a convincing manner, that you’ll gladly return for daily grinds, even if it is just to reach that top 100.
January 29, 2014
OlliOlli bursts into this year's games as one of the best and at a good price. It offers a bunch of hours of fun, something that is enhanced by a great soundtrack.
January 24, 2014
This is almost like real skateboarding: You’ll kiss the ground – a lot. But you will stay motivated enough to get up again and keep trying.
Eurogamer Italy
January 21, 2014
OlliOlli is another great indie title for the PlayStation Vita. Even if controls are quite hard to master, the slick gameplay and the great soundtrack make this new production from Roll7 a must-have for every Vita owner.
Edge Magazine
January 21, 2014
Pulling off tricks in OlliOlli – each precision twist, rotation and flick of the Vita’s left analogue stick – feels as satisfying for your fingers to negotiate as any fighting game finishing move. So even if you’re terrible at the game, even if you can’t land a single trick or grind, even if your scores barely creep into triple digits, your avatar’s tumbling faceplant will still imprint the outline of a grinning mouth in the pavement.