
Omega Quintet Critic Reviews

22 Total Reviews

4 Positive Reviews(18.2%)
17 Mixed Reviews(77.3%)
1 Negative Reviews(4.5%)

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Digitally Downloaded April 13, 2015
This is, effectively, an independent game from a small, creative team. And it’s a massive success at being that. It’s a deep JRPG mixed with both satire and humour, it’s something you haven’t seen before, and most importantly: it’s fun. Real, genuine fun.
ZTGD April 22, 2015
At the end of the day, Omega Quintet is a solid first effort on the PS4 for IF/Compa with a neat premise and an enjoyable combat engine.
Everyeye.it May 18, 2015
The gameplay is fun and deep, but other aspects really could do with an extra layer of care by the devs.
LaPS4 May 21, 2015
Omega Quintet is an appealing option if you like with an obvious Japanese origin, that mixes RPG with idol culture. However, when it comes to visuals, we expected more and the game is not even in Spanish.
Hobby Consolas May 13, 2015
Omega Quintet is a J-RPG with a deep and enjoyable turn-based combat system. It´s quite similar to other Compile Heart productions such as Hyperdymension Neptunia or Fairy Fencer F, but their main characters (a J-Pop idols group called Verse Maidens) are quite less charismatic. Sadly, their missions are repetitive.
Atomix May 4, 2015
It’s a shame that a game like this that could become a really good first attempt to arrive to the PS4 ended becoming something like this: a title that has an excellent and interesting gameplay and battle system, but a poorly design in levels an characters with an excessively amount of unnecessary text. Not to mention the design that, without a doubt, could easily made of pass as a PS3 game. If you are waiting for Hyperdimension Neptunia Victory II, Omega Quintet can be a good option for the meantime. However we don’t guarantee that you would end liking it.
Vandal May 1, 2015
It does have some good ideas, but an execution with some room for improvement and the lack of charisma leaves us with an irregular experience.
PlayStation LifeStyle April 29, 2015
It does some core things right, like the combat and the numerous places to explore, but it does a lot of little things wrong, such as the huge amount of fluff and the useless crafting system.
Hardcore Gamer April 30, 2015
Omega Quintet will be best enjoyed by those who know exactly what they want out of the game. The comprehensive battle system and simulation are well-executed and unique, even if the rest of the experience offers only wobbly support for them.
PlayStation Universe May 1, 2015
Omega Quintet's solid combat and J-POP soundtrack are great and well utilized, but it's held back by its story where its invading forces don't seem to matter as much as the everyday lives of the teenage Maidens you control.
Dealspwn May 10, 2015
Omega Quintet boasts a unique idol premise, enjoyable exploration, quirky characters and a sensational combat system. Sadly the unlikeable protagonist, disappointing visuals and other issues make the PS4's first exclusive JRPG more difficult to recommend than it ought to be.
TheSixthAxis May 21, 2015
A competent role-playing game that builds on Compile Heart’s previous successes. The combat system works well and there’s an absolute glut of content for those willing to stray from the beaten path. That said, it’s not a particularly stunning game to watch, looking more like a remaster than a title genuinely meant exclusively for PlayStation 4.
IGN Spain May 26, 2015
Despite showing core mechanics taken from old RPG games, manages to entertain. If you are not afraid of this kind of 'different' RPG games you should give it a go.
GamingTrend April 29, 2015
Omega Quintet is a promise that fails to execute, and squanders most its intriguing battle mechanics and interesting characters with over-the-top fan service and rote, trope-filled plots.
RPG Fan September 27, 2015
At this point, it should be obvious that if you're considering purchasing this game, I'd advise you not to. There are so many other, better games you could be playing.
Push Square April 17, 2015
It's by no means a bad game on the whole, but it opts to float idly on the side of numbingly average rather than attempt to stand out in any way. Well, unless you're making music videos.
RPGamer April 24, 2015
As said at the start, Omega Quintet is a game with appeal to fans of previous Compile Heart games, but is highly unlikely to get many more on board. The battles and exploration are decent, but are completely overshadowed by familiar issues with the rest of the game. There are other titles from the company with more widespread appeal and less aggravating design decisions.
DarkZero April 28, 2015
With the rate in which this company pumps out titles, fans of Moe and/or RPGs might be better off waiting for the next Hyperdimension Neptunia, which is also hitting the PS4 this year.
GameCritics June 1, 2015
It's not broken, and at times it threatens to be interesting to more than the already-converted, but it's utterly lacking in the heart and spark that helped other Compile Heart titles lineup transcend their inauspicious beginnings.
Gaming Age July 20, 2015
In fact, I'd say that if that pop idol simulation thing appeals to you, you're better off just grabbing Hyperdimension Neptunia: Producing Perfection for the Vita, indulging your inner J-Pop mogul's every whim there, and forgetting this game even exists. And if it doesn't? Then you may as well have a nap, because that would basically replicate the Omega Quintet experience.