Onechanbara Z2: Chaos

This installment in the Onechanbara sexy zombie slayer series ups the ante with 2 sets of buxom vampire sisters and over a dozen stages of high-octane real-time swordplay featuring hordes of zombies—not to mention novel methods of dispatching these undead opponents. Players will be pitted against the undead in various worldwide locations, with limbs and blood flying every which way by means of physical attacks and acrobatic maneuvers alike, occasionally transforming into a demon for short bursts of added power and speed at the cost of life energy. Each of the 4 members of this “Zombie Punitive Force” has her own unique abilities, and skillful play is rewarded with orbs that can be exchanged for upgraded weapons and outfits. For the first time in the series, players can enjoy the game with full English voice-acting or play through with the original Japanese performances. [Xseed]