Operation Babel: New Tokyo Legacy Critic Reviews
12 Total Reviews
4 Positive Reviews(33.3%)
8 Mixed Reviews(66.7%)
0 Negative Reviews(0%)
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May 10, 2017
Operation Babel: New Tokyo Legacy features fantastic classic dungeon RPG gameplay with many unique and satisfying mechanics. It may not be the most memorable game in the genre but it's one that genre fans shouldn't pass up.
May 10, 2017
Operation Babel feels too similar to its predecessor with a weaker cameo-focused story & reused assets but exceeds it in every other aspect of gameplay. The new subclass system provides extra control on party depth.
The Games Machine
May 11, 2017
Project Babel: New Tokyo Legacy is basically a big "more of the same", without any noticeable innovation. It's an excellent dungeon crawler if you're a newcomer to the series, or the genre altogether.
PlayStation Country
May 30, 2017
Operation Babel: New Tokyo Legacy continues where Operation Abyss left off with a few improvements. The menus could have used some work but speeding up the battles and allowing more character customisation are great additions that make this a must buy for fans of the last game.
God is a Geek
May 11, 2017
Operation Babel is a good dungeon crawler but not even close to Experience Inc’s best work or most of the competition on Vita.
May 22, 2017
This is certainly nor the best work form Experience Inc. nor the best dungeon crawler available on Playstation Vita, but can be a good choice for the ones that already completed better titles such as Demon Gaze and Stranger of Sword City.
Digitally Downloaded
May 9, 2017
It’s a beautiful, elegant genre, and, when it all clicks, it’s a timeless formula. Unfortunately, Operation Babel: New Tokyo Legacy just asks too much of its players.
May 10, 2017
The tediousness of exploration, battle, and menus really bog down Operation Babel, in spite of what the game does well.
May 15, 2017
Operation Babel is a good Dungeon RPG, with a nice design, but it's less accessible than the other Dungeon Crawlers available on Vita, so be careful.
July 4, 2017
If you’re already previously invested in Operation Babel: New Tokyo Legacy‘s universe, characters and gameplay, then I’m sure there’s a lot to like here. However, for a newcomer to the series, the lack of tutorials is frustrating, the environments and world are visually bland, and the gameplay loop not engaging enough to make me want to come back for more.
Gaming Age
August 22, 2017
There's only so far you can go in commending Operation Babel. As should be abundantly clear by now, if you loved Operation Abyss, then this game offers more of what that did, but otherwise, you won't need to bother with it.
Push Square
May 16, 2017
Overall Operation Babel is a frustrating experience. The game mechanics aren't explained particularly well, and so you’ll need a lot of patience to figure out how everything works. If you’re a newcomer to the genre then you’re better off playing something like Ray Gigant. While Babel has some interesting mechanics, it definitely lacks a lot of the polish of similar titles like Stranger of Sword City. Simply put, there are a lot of quality dungeon crawlers out there on Vita that do a much better job than Operation Babel.