OPUS: Rocket of Whispers Critic Reviews
6 Total Reviews
5 Positive Reviews(83.3%)
1 Mixed Reviews(16.7%)
0 Negative Reviews(0%)
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Nintendo Insider
April 30, 2018
The story that OPUS: Rocket of Whispers has to tell is a meaningful one, that touches on mental health issues such as loneliness, dealing with grief and low self-esteem. It is clear to see that it is a game that has been created from the heart, and, while much of it will be spent scavenging for rocket parts, it is the message that it imparts that will linger in your memory for a long time to come.
Nintendo Life
April 2, 2018
An emotional experience that’s as much about loneliness and letting go as it is about rockets, OPUS: Rocket of Whispers captivates from start to finish. It’s darker and bleaker than its predecessor, and scavenging for rocket parts isn’t as immediately appealing as stargazing, but it’s still every bit the affecting combination of narrative and gameplay that defined The Day We Found Earth. If you like curling up with a good book as much as sitting down with a good game, Rocket of Whispers is a perfect way to spend an enjoyable afternoon.
Digitally Downloaded
April 5, 2018
Don't come into Opus: Rocket of Whispers expecting some sort of hardcore survival simulation or captivating pushing-buttons experience, or you'll probably wind up disappointed. No, Rocket of Whispers is something much better: a game that uses its simple game loop, repetitiveness and all, to tell a familiar but sincere story about loneliness and coping with grief.
May 4, 2018
The sequel to the OPUS saga is a great little video game that knows its own position in the industry and, above all, what it can offer. Modest but meditated, and without a doubt, with a lot of soul.
God is a Geek
April 11, 2018
OPUS: Rocket of Whispers while not as great as the previous game, is still well worth your time if you enjoy games with heartwarming stories. You will need to tolerate some padding to get ahead in the story sadly.
April 16, 2018
All in all, Opus: Rocket of Whispers offers a long game that has a lot of mindless fetch quests, but it has an interesting story that might reel some folks in. If you're looking for a calming, easy game to pass the time, give it a shot. Otherwise, maybe let this one go.