The Oregon Trail 3rd Edition

New Activities, New Content, Super 3D Graphics, and Full Motion Video like never before!
Experience the adventure of The Oregon Trail and stake your claim in the Old West! Survival hinges on the many crucial decisions you'll make.
Will you pick a team with a lot of money or strong survival skills?
Stock up on supplies or buy them along the way?
Ford the Snake River or caulk your wagon and float across?
Stop and rest while you have a cold, or continue on and risk fatal disease?
Survive by hunting and fishing or trade your remaining supplies for food?
With a different outcome each time you play, there's no end to the fun to be had. But time's a wasting. Hit the trail!
Here are some of the characters you'll meet along the way.
Sara Danforth: A teacher, age 17, well-read, shy, making a new start.
Nasty Jack: Watch out for the rascal you can't trust.
Nicholas Tilman: A merchant and a scoundrel, will pay his way for an easy journey.
Social Studies
Plant & Animal Habitats
* Pick your team and balance their skills for a successful journey.
* Experience true adventure with 3D river crossings.
* Build your food supply with 3D fishing trips and seamless, 360-degree hunting screens.