March 29, 2016

Organic Panic

Organic Panic
Based on 5 Reviews
Release date
March 29, 2016


Organic Panic is a quirky physics puzzler featuring real fluids, totally destructible levels, real fire, and in-game editor to build and share your own levels.

Organic Panic Trailer

Organic Panic Screenshots1

Critic Reviews5

You’ll have a blast however you approach it.
June 9, 2016
Like a trip to Whole Foods, Organic Panic is not without its share of fun, but its cons unfortunately outweigh its pros. Destroying the environment and flooding out meat and cheese monsters has plenty of charm, but some variety and polish would have gone a long way toward extending it. This is definitely not a bad game, but it does get a little boring — just like veggies.
June 2, 2016
It is good fun for its nostalgia value for those players who have enjoyed its influences in years past and appreciate its time-tested mechanics, but it struggles to find its place amongst the many good platformers available.
April 10, 2016

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