
Outbreak: The New Nightmare Critic Reviews

4 Total Reviews

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4 Negative Reviews(100%)

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COGconnected September 4, 2020
What I will say is that you can see the passion that went into this project. The environments are well-designed and it’s clear that the developers had a lot of love for the genre. It’s a game made for survival horror fans, but sadly isn’t one I can see many survival horror fans loving. It’s a mildly effective throwback, but somehow manages to feel more dated than games that were made decades ago, and that’s not a comfortable spot to be sitting in.
Hey Poor Player October 28, 2020
As a massive fan of the games that inspired it, it seemed to me like Dead Drop Studios was poised to deliver something special. Unfortunately, the scariest thing about this game is just how unfinished it feels. From its rampant bugs and performance problems to its uninteresting main story, the game is so bad it borders on parody, making it all but impossible to recommend to even the most scare-starved survival horror fans.
Screen Rant September 4, 2020
Outbreak: The New Nightmare is not a fun game, and it seems to be more of trial of patience for its players. Its mechanics are frustrating, and fans will most likely be turned off by the game's shameless imitation of the legendary Resident Evil series. Outbreak: The New Nightmare adds nothing new to the survival horror genre and somehow winds up sporting controls and visuals that are worse than its decades-old innovators.
Cubed3 September 14, 2020
There are some games out there that are "so-bad-its-good," like most of Swery's games. Outbreak: The New Nightmare is one of those "so-bad-it-gave-me-depression" ones. The developer likely is inexperienced, and working with almost no budget, but not everyone should make a game. The saying "anyone can make a game", means that a good game designer can come from anywhere. All survival-horror fans must stay away from this one.