
Overwatch 2 will introduce new rewards for Competitive Play, but beware, only the most dedicated players can reach the highest level of prestige.

Blizzard announced earlier this week that it would add new incentives and rewards for Overwatch 2's competitive play. The update is now live and players can spend the weekend earning "drive point" and climbing the checkpoints.

Players can earn drive point during competitive drives. These are special events that usually occur at the end a season. Overwatch 2's blog explains that "each time you win a game, you will earn a score that is equal to 10 times your total Skill Rank percent gained from the match." "For example, you will gain 210 drive point if you earn 21 percent towards your next division and tier. If you lose a match, your drive score is reduced by five times the Skill Rank percentage reduction or half of what a win would have been. Losing a match will cost you 19% of your competitive rank progression, so 95 drive points will be deducted.

There's a safety net to prevent you from losing your hard-earned points in competitive play (although this is not true for your MMR). According to the blog, "losing matches will result in a small loss of drive progress," however "reaching each and every checkpoint guarantees progress and rewards." As long as you reach a checkpoint, you will be able to at least keep some progress.

You'll receive different prizes for each checkpoint. There are six stages. You can either use the competitive points to buy a Golden or Jade gun or you can create a signature. This is a feature that's new in Overwatch 2 and allows you to change your battletag's appearance.

I'm not a huge fan of the signatures at the moment, as they aren't my style. Overwatch 2 recently released some amazing new Mythic Skins, like the Ana Weapon Skin and Reaper's Anubis-themed Skin. I'm excited to find out what the team can come up with in the future.

Checkpoints and rewards are listed below:

  • Tier 1: 300 points de drive - 500 points competitiv.
  • Tier 2: 700 Drive points - signature.
  • Tier 3: 1200 points de drive - 1000 points competitiv.
  • Tier 4: 1700 Drive points - advanced Signature.
  • Tier 5: 2200 points de drive - 1500 points competitiv.
  • Tier 6: 2700 drive points - elite signature.

Blizzard's historically had a difficult time motivating players to jump in competitive play towards the end of a year. During the time when competitive ranks reset every season, players would simply grind up to the rank they desired and then not touch it out of fear of losing or going down ranks. Although competitive resets aren’t as common as in the past, players still tend to skip the last weekend of each season. It's always the last weekend of a season when I see the silliest games. Everyone is trying to reach the end of their battle pass or to be ranked higher. So, people tend to just play as many matches and not win them. These competitive drives can encourage players to give some thought to the end-of season games or at least give a nudge towards the right direction.

Interesting news


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