
Pac-man Critic Reviews

16 Total Reviews

5 Positive Reviews(31.3%)
10 Mixed Reviews(62.5%)
1 Negative Reviews(6.3%)

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Talk Xbox June 5, 2024
Simply it is still darned fun to play. Throw in some achievements, leadersboards and a nifty price tag of only five bones, and you’ve got hours upon hours of classic gaming to be had.
Eurogamer June 5, 2024
In the end, the chance to claim Pac-Man bragging rights among your friends list may be enough to make it worth buying, and the chance to play one of the all-time greatest games again arguably makes it a compulsory purchase regardless of how many times you've played it before.
Gaming Nexus June 5, 2024
An excellent remake of the classic arcade game.
GamerFeed June 5, 2024
The game has no significant changes, and the only things adding to its replay value are a few Achievements and an updated leaderboard. But if you loved the arcade classic, spend $5 and dig in.
Planet Xbox 360 June 5, 2024
Pac-man was always going to be an essential inclusion in Xbox Live’s collection of Arcade classics. It’s certainly worthy of a place there, it’s just a shame some updated graphics, modes and extras could not have been included to make it stand out from all the other Pac-man’s available to play.
TeamXbox June 5, 2024
This is definitely the Pac-Man we've all come to know and love, from the very first fruit to the attacking ghosts, but control issues take away from the overall "fun factor" as needless deaths occur far too often.
IGN June 5, 2024
Pac-Man fans will be pleased that the gameplay is the same and the sounds will bring you straight back to the dark arcades of yesteryear. However, the options are thin and, unless you're a Pac-Man nut, you'll get your fill after a short while and be left wondering where your money went.
Official Xbox Magazine June 5, 2024
As hardcore gamers, we'd pay $5 for this port. But ultimately, it's one of Live Arcade's weaker offerings.
Gaming Target June 5, 2024
If you've already got a version of Pac-Man on any of the dozens of collections its already appeared in you probably don't need this one. But if not, and you've got five bucks to spare, you really can't go wrong with Pac-Man.
GameSpot June 5, 2024
If you're absolutely riddled with Pac-Man fever, this game is for you, but if you're anything less than fiendish in your desire to play Pac-Man, then take a pass.
X-ONE Magazine UK June 5, 2024
What just about saves the day for the yellow cancerous blob, though, is the one modern addition it does have - Achievements.
Game Chronicles June 5, 2024
Simple pick and a play enjoyment.
Xbox Evolved June 5, 2024
You can’t really make this 2D arcade classic much better than it already is, and it is a great title, but it shows it’s age, and the fact that it is re-released more than any Star Wars film doesn’t help.
GamesRadar+ June 5, 2024
The game also suffers from some of the same problems as its Xbox Live Arcade stablemate Galaga - namely, the removal of two-player mode in any from from the arcade original, and a need for a more precise controller.
But Despite the artful simplicity of the game we just can't justify paying money for this. Throwback kudos and nostalgia value aside, the game involves too little skill in comparison to the likes of Joust or the aforementioned "Geometry Wars."
GameShark June 5, 2024
There are no added features to speak of. There’s no online multiplayer or split screen – there’s not even a 2 player hot seat game, which is a pretty big omission.