Pacific Rim Critic Reviews
16 Total Reviews
0 Positive Reviews(0%)
9 Mixed Reviews(56.3%)
7 Negative Reviews(43.8%)
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Official Xbox Magazine
July 15, 2013
You might well opt to buy stat upgrades or temporary performance-boosting items instead, for the sake of simple one-on-one multiplayer confrontations. But because stat upgrades make little difference in the field, and you can carry only a single boost item at a time, you're probably better off just playing something else altogether.
July 16, 2013
It could have been a modern Godzilla Destroy All Monsters Melee. But in this form Pacific Rim is just a conceptually interesting but boring fighting game with big robots and gutsy in-app-purchases.
July 22, 2013
And yet another game based on a movie that feels like it has been developed in a hurry, and does too many things wrong and just a few right.
IGN Italia
July 22, 2013
Pacific Rim is the usual useless and badly developed tie-in; everything, from the graphics to the combat-system, leaves much to be desired and the pushy in game purchases are the classic final blow on a game that no one frankly was missing.
July 22, 2013
A very bad fighting game that try to surf the wave of his popular license, without any kind of result.
Eurogamer Italy
July 23, 2013
It could have been a good beat-em-up just as Rampage, but its technique and gameplay are so bad that, surprisingly, it’s even worst than the mobile version.
Official Xbox Magazine UK
August 19, 2013
And there's no sign of GLaDOS either. Boo!
Armchair Empire
December 10, 2013
Even with the slightest of appeal for its online play, overall tepid gameplay and graphics combine to once again prove the all-too-often bad movie-based videogame cliché and sink Pacific Rim to the ocean's depths.
July 18, 2013
With more time and potentially more resources, this could have been an exciting and enjoyable experience with the power to stand on its own, independent of the film. As it is, its pleasures rust away long before it finally gets moving.
July 29, 2013
Pacific Rim is a very bad fighting game with a popular license.
Eurogamer Germany
July 30, 2013
Guillermo del Toro once said in an interview, he made the film for himself and his children, and it shows. The game, on the other hand, might just be the perfect instrument to penalize adolescent troublemakers.
July 30, 2013
There's simply no reason reason to buy this Pacific Rim tie-in. The game is poor and dysfunctional in every aspect.
July 17, 2013
For us to fight monsters, Yuke’s have created a monster of their own. I wish the apocalypse had never been canceled. No one should have lived on to see this hideous travesty of a game.
July 31, 2013
Hooray for the digital download! Normally these kinds of movie games would be only available in store shelves, full priced. If you've bought it accidentally now, you'll only have lost ten Euros. That's pretty much all the positive sentiment we have to share on Pacific Rim: The Video Game. It's so boring and slow, we couldn't even recommend it for free.