Painkiller: Hell & Damnation Critic Reviews
33 Total Reviews
17 Positive Reviews(51.5%)
16 Mixed Reviews(48.5%)
0 Negative Reviews(0%)
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October 30, 2012
The developers have masterfully adapted everything that made the original Painkiller so enjoyable to a new engine that looks fantastic and plays liquid smooth.
October 29, 2012
If nothing else, Farm 51 has returned Painkiller to a title that people may no longer grimace at when they hear its name. After receiving much abuse from its original publisher, Farm 51 has put Painkiller back on its pedestal. Or, close enough.
Eurogamer Italy
November 6, 2012
Painkiller Hell & Damnation stands halfway between a remake of the original game and a brand new FPS. Same levels, no changes and a new story, it tries to purpose for a second time the first, cult game. Unfortunately, even with the Unreal Engine it feels like it's hundred years old.
October 24, 2012
When I finished this curious remake ('the best of Painkiller' suits this game better) all the flaws that I jotted down and that annoyed me ceased to matter. There's something charming in this simplicity.
November 9, 2012
Painkiller: Hell & Damnation brings no shame to the original game. Guys from The Farm 51 took their job seriously and tried to freshen up the series the best way possible. Younger gamers have the opportunity to look how FPS games looked almost a decade ago, and older gamers get to go back in time but with really nice graphics. Hell & Damnation, despite old mechanics - is a game that's worth checking out. Killing hordes of demons is very pleasant.
Cheat Code Central
November 6, 2012
It's certainly a feast for the eyes and is probably the superior way to get introduced to the game. If you are a fan of the original, on the other hand, you are essentially paying $20 to play a far prettier, slightly shorter, somewhat adapted version of what you have already played.
Gaming Nexus
November 10, 2012
While the game is true to its roots the game just doesn't hold up compared to other remade FPS games like Serious Sam.
November 2, 2012
Perfect for those who're looking for simple and plain action that will leave you exhausted. There are few additions compared to the original release, but it is indeed the best option to relive or to discover this frenetic series.
October 29, 2012
As a horror-tinged slaughterfest that vomits blood and bile on the face of modern first-person shooter convention, Hell & Damnation distills the essence of the Painkiller series into a tight, finely honed package.
October 30, 2012
There are two types of people I recommend Painkiller: Hell & Damnation to: those who were huge fans of the original and want to experience the game again with updated graphics, and those who are looking for a throwaway experience that doesn't require much of a commitment to enjoy.
October 30, 2012
For just over a tenner, I'd say it's absolutely worth a punt.
October 31, 2012
Expectations. Every game has them coming out of the gate, but remakes and reboots have it even worse. In the case of Painkiller: Hell & Damnation, a reboot of the original Painkiller and its expansion Battle out of Hell, it's less about these small details and more about the substance. Is the action still fast? Are the enemies stupid and plentiful? Are the weapons still ridiculously awesome? Yep, you bet, and... well, mostly.
November 1, 2012
I could say a lot of technically bad things about Painkiller – mindless, stupid, old-fashioned, bizarre… but it's been given so much care and attention that none of it really matters. It does the mindless, oddly pointless single-player campaign extremely well and the re-done levels are both visually diverse and interesting; great homage to the original game.
November 5, 2012
This is what Painkiller: Hell & Damnation is – a fun blast to the past.
Eurogamer Sweden
November 16, 2012
Painkiller: Hell & Damnation feels like a celebration of how first person shooters used to be and The Farm 51 manages to do a lot of things right. However, the short campaign coupled with the multiplayer issues I had keeps it from going all the way.
November 21, 2012
Painkiller Hell and Damnation is just as fun as the original game if not a bit quaint.
November 28, 2012
Hell & Damnation is a successful homage to the original Painkiller with a new engine, much better graphics and the same fast-paced style. It's pretty sad though, that the most fun multiplayer mode doesn't get played a lot. That would've extended the durability of the game significantly. Especially because the single player gameplay will get boring quite quickly if you don't take a break every now and then.
October 29, 2012
Painkiller: Hell & Damnation is a real old-school shooter, which is for friends of the classic Shoot, Run, Jump.
October 29, 2012
What do we have here? A simple remake with less content than the original and with only a new weapon which will be used along all the levels. Consider buying it only if you love the series or if you haven't play the original Painkiller.