Panzer Corps 2 Critic Reviews
15 Total Reviews
14 Positive Reviews(93.3%)
0 Mixed Reviews(0%)
0 Negative Reviews(0%)
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Strategy Gamer
March 19, 2020
If you liked Panzer General and the original Panzer Corps, then PC2 is a must buy. The “more so” comes into play as regards gamers who may have bypassed these games in the past, considering them more beer and pretzels or generic mainstream strategy fare. PC2 has added just enough modifications to push the realism level into the wargaming proper category, giving a distinct WWII feel without sacrificing the elegant simplicity that made its ancestors famous.
LEVEL (Czech Republic)
July 23, 2020
In the Panzer Corps, we will change the course of the Second World War again. The second installment of the strategic series succeeded even without significant innovations. Most importantly, it is bigger and nicer than last time and lasts a long time.
March 11, 2020
Panzer Corps 2 is one of the best wargame of recent years. If not the best at all.
Cultured Vultures
March 17, 2020
Panzer Corps 2 is a must-buy for any history and strategy game fan.
PC Games
March 28, 2020
The strategy game offers an insane amount with over one thousand different units and appeals through its neat visual design. The gameplay is fair, but quite challenging and can entice through its depth in mechanics. Rare crashes were only a minor inconvenience.
May 20, 2020
Hundreds of hours of concentrated fun for every avid strategy gamer - but Panzer Corps 2 is surprisingly welcoming even to the newbies of the genre. The complexity is served up gradually, mercifully, but in the end, the game will challenge even the most experienced generals.
March 15, 2020
Panzer Corps 2 is a modern approach to the wargame genre, but it can easily become a new classic in the years to come.
March 19, 2020
Panzer Corps 2 is a very good wargame reminiscant of Panzer General, strongly profiting from ist new engine as well as enhanced dynamics and terrain variety.
March 10, 2020
Very complex, slightly outdated turn based strategy game with five very long, exclusively German campaigns featuring over 1.000 different troops.
March 14, 2020
I’d recommend giving the tactical puzzles a go before you begin a campaign, they’re fun challenges giving you a specific task and only take a single turn to achieve them. To me they really highlight the tactical diversity of Panzer Corps 2, a game where order of movement and positioning can turn a certain defeat into a grand triumph. If you love maneuvering to cut off an enemy and softening them up with artillery or a strafing run then you’ll enjoy the intense small scale actions you’ll find in every mission.
PC Invasion
March 16, 2020
Panzer Corps 2 has some noticeable flaws with regards to in-game mechanics and performance woes. Likewise, it doesn't try to reinvent age-old systems. Though it can be a little tedious the further you are in the campaign, the game makes up for it with a ton of playable content.
March 16, 2020
Panzer Corps 2 is an excellent turn-based wargame that has a complex and refined regulation on its side.
IGN Italia
March 17, 2020
An evolution, not a revolution: fans of WWII settings will enjoy a deep, but accessible, strategy game.
PC Gamer
March 15, 2020
For better or worse, this is a classic hex wargame with updated graphics.
March 19, 2020
Panzer Corps 2 had a lot to live up to, both because of its predecessor’s success but also the fact that publishers Slitherine have a competing series, Order of Battle, that already improved on so much of what Panzer Corps did. This sequel does enough to justify standing on its own merits though, finding a cozy spot between its rival’s offerings. I’m normally always playing a game like this in my spare time, and I’m confident that this is the one I’ll be playing a lot more of through 2020.