
Phantasy Star Online Critic Reviews

21 Total Reviews

21 Positive Reviews(100%)
0 Mixed Reviews(0%)
0 Negative Reviews(0%)

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Total Video Games May 9, 2024
Explaining the genius and scarily addictive quality of Phantasy Star Online is tricky indeed, it is something that needs to be played and experienced.
Games Radar May 9, 2024
The best console RPG since Squaresoft's "FFVII" on the PlayStation. Get ready for a monster phone bill.
Daily Radar May 9, 2024
The Bottom Line: Brilliant.
Hot Games May 9, 2024
The best online game on the Dreamcast and will likely keep you awake for days straight.
Gaming Maxx May 9, 2024
The lastability of this game is endless. Because this game is so much fun, plus is online, you can be playing this for years to come.
Da Gameboyz May 9, 2024
As a single player game there is room for improvement but overall the stellar graphics, excellent sound and added touch of the online multiplayer ability make PSO a must have for any Dreamcast owner. The Joystick is way up.
Planet Dreamcast May 9, 2024
The bottom line is that you must have this game. Even though it has a light story, even though it doesn't have much to offer solo players, PSO is a brilliant game--and what's more, it's a promise of amazing things to come in the Dreamcast's final days and in Sega's new future.
GamerWeb Sega May 9, 2024
Insanely fun, strategic combat, a host of interesting missions, more customization than you can shake a photon sword at and top-notch graphics that don't depend on flash to satisfy make this one a no-brainer.
IGN May 9, 2024
This is among the best games, visually, across all platforms. There's really nothing that compares to the visual quality of PSO.
AllDreamcast May 9, 2024
PSO isn't about the offline experience. It's about taking the game online, which is incredibly fun. The online and offline modes are as different as night and day.
Gaming Age May 9, 2024
Like the original "Diablo," the game offers an insidiously addictive style that you'll be hard pressed to pull yourself away from.
CNET Gamecenter May 9, 2024
A graphical and technological marvel that offers slick graphics, smooth online play, and groundbreaking communication features. You owe it to yourself to experience it.
Spank! May 9, 2024
One billion points for single handily dragging online RPGs out of a mire of orcs, beards and dreadful graphics. It's repetitive and shallow (kind of) but it's also amazingly beautiful, addictive and - believe it or not - socially rewarding and instructive!
DC Swirl May 9, 2024
Gorgeous graphics and that hard-to-explain fun factor that emerges from repeated exposure to its better features (which cannot be easily explained unless you've played PSO online yourself).
Playboy May 9, 2024
The graphics in Phantasy Star Online are excellent in all respects. Not only is the lighting superb, but the general design of the environments is also both visually appealing and extremely efficient.
Core Magazine May 9, 2024
Nice graphics and pleasant music enhance a fairly addictive multiplayer experience-just don't expect much in the way of a traditional single player RPG.
Game Revolution May 9, 2024
The story wasn't much of a story at all. So for all you readers out there that are hoping for a whopper of a tale, I hope you can be satisfied with a mere kid's meal.
GameSpot May 9, 2024
Even with its shallow storyline and camera issues, Phantasy Star Online simply manages to be a whole lot of fun.
Happy Puppy May 9, 2024
Tremendously fun gameplay with an addictive online component.
Maxim Online May 9, 2024
Teams of up to four can then venture to visually stunning alien worlds, solving puzzles and wasting anything that moves.