Pikuniku Critic Reviews
37 Total Reviews
29 Positive Reviews(78.4%)
6 Mixed Reviews(16.2%)
0 Negative Reviews(0%)
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Gaming Age
October 1, 2019
In fact, nothing about Pikuniku bothers me. It’s a happy, fun little game that needs to be enjoyed by everyone who owns a Switch, and the world is a better place with games like this in it.
January 21, 2019
It’s hard to talk about Pikuniku without giving too much away, so just know that it’s a fun little puzzle-platformer that doesn't take itself seriously.
January 21, 2019
Pikuniku is a fantastic adventure full of puzzles and exploration. It’s unexpectedly engaging, and even it’s only January, it already is one of our indies of the year.
January 21, 2019
My favorite gaming experiences are the ones that elicit a pure and physical response from me. Whether it’s a horror game making me clench my cheeks or a story-driven game dropping my jaw and pulling a tear from my eye, those kinds of experiences are the ones that stick with me the most. With Pikuniku, I was smiling and laughing throughout the entire thing, and too few games get that kind of response out of me. Pikuniku is a treasure of a game, and I can’t wait to see more from this team.
January 30, 2019
Pikuniku is a strange little game. It’s unique, hilarious, and extremely fun, but it shines most when it’s played with a friend. It’s a little on the short side, and some of the campaign’s level design is basic at best, but there’s no shortage of charm on display, and it’s hard not to walk away with a smile on your face.
The Sydney Morning Herald
January 21, 2019
Pikuniku is a game that's light on content but huge on charm and creativity. The locations and characters in the brief adventure mode are brilliant, the goofy physics make for grin-inducing platforming and the dedicated co-op mode has some of the funniest two-player puzzling since Snipperclips. You might be left wanting more, but it's hard to argue that what's here isn't pure joy.
January 21, 2019
Pikuniku is a unique and stand out experience that makes you feel good to play it. It certainly isn’t for someone looking for action or a serious challenge, but those who want a relaxing game where you bounce around, kick things, and make friends will find a lot to like here.
Gaming Nexus
January 22, 2019
It’s not particularly challenging, deep or narratively profound, but it is consistently funny in a wry, innocent way and outside of some physics quirks the platforming gameplay is engaging. Pikuniku is a game you keep playing because you want to see how it will make you smile next; what will the next odd little character exclaim? What will the next hat let you do? What minigame is around the corner? Pikuniku is arty and ludicrous without trying too hard or shoving a message down your throat, and in that regard it fits into Devolver’s stable of IP perfectly.
Digitally Downloaded
January 21, 2019
Pikuniku is an intriguing game as it takes some heavy concepts and transforms them into something colourfully palatable, with interesting characters and a fun soundtrack.
January 21, 2019
While Pikuniku is a light experience, it's got enough charm and verve to stick with you well beyond completion. From Piku's weird wobbly gait and looping jumps in the opening right through to the game's funny, bizarre ending, Pikuniku is more gripping than its simple aesthetic and playful tone would suggest. It'll make you feel like a kid again.
January 21, 2019
In the wrong hands, Pikuniku could have been a shallow and ultimately forgettable experience, but its expressive dialogue, clever framing, and charming, upbeat soundtrack do enough heavy lifting to elevate it into something far more endearing. The characterization, in particular, is delightfully fleshed out. It's a simple game with a ton of heart that'll leave you beaming when everything's said and done.
Video Chums
January 21, 2019
When it comes to laid back delightful fun, Pikuniku provides a top-notch adventure that'll keep your toes tapping as you journey forth.
Pocket Gamer UK
January 21, 2019
Pikuniku is a seemingly simple game packed full of clever ideas and smart design. It does a lot with very little, and makes for a delightful puzzle-platformer in doing so. It's single-player mode can feel a bit meandering and frustrating at times as you struggle to make any meaningful progress, and its co-op is brilliant but just a little too short. But despite all this, it's a game that platformer fans simply must play. It's sheer brilliance wrapped in a silly, cute package, and it's by far one of the smartest platformers on Switch to date.
Nintendo Insider
January 21, 2019
Pikuniku almost feels like playing through an episode of Adventure Time. The writing is consistently brilliant, and without fail very entertaining. Off-the-wall humour isn’t always successful but when it’s done well it really does bring a world to life. The highlight for me in Pikuniku involved a toaster, which is all I’ll say on the matter. Honestly, it’s just a really fun game and you should play it. It is only a few hours of your time, and it’s sure to bring a smile to your face.
Screen Rant
January 24, 2019
Pikuniku isn’t preoccupied with presenting challenge, just delivering an amusing little carefree world in which to get lost in for one or two sittings.
Game Revolution
January 24, 2019
Pikuniku is an odd game, yes, but it is a fun, relaxing one to boot. There are few better ways to spend an afternoon than in its colorful, quirky world. It may not be long but you’ll have a big, dumb smile on your face the whole time; a pure realization of quality over quantity.
The Daily Dot
January 27, 2019
Pikuniku has so much personality bubbling out of every moment that I couldn’t put it down.
February 12, 2019
Pikuniku is a fun title with an interesting story. Despite its short duration and low difficulty, it is a great experience that deserves to be tried by every player looking to have a fun time.
Switch Player
March 4, 2019
Pikuniku is the perfect Sunday afternoon game; short, but sweet. It’s an enjoyable romp through a pleasant world, teaching the important life lesson that kicking things is often the simplest solution.
Nintendo Life
January 21, 2019
We struggle to recall a dystopia quite as cheerful as the one found in Pikuniku. It’s a short game, but one packed with heart and imagination, with a great single-player component and excellent couch co-op that can genuinely be enjoyed by anyone. It makes us remember the fun we had cutting pieces from our friends in Snipperclips, but where we occasionally hit a brick wall with that game, Pikuniku sidesteps frustration in favour of a breezy and charming adventure; a perfect salve if you need a break from the backlog, but don’t dive in expecting endless hours of gameplay.