
Pirates of the Burning Sea Critic Reviews

30 Total Reviews

26 Positive Reviews(86.7%)
4 Mixed Reviews(13.3%)
0 Negative Reviews(0%)

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Cheat Code Central May 6, 2024
The premise is fueled by historical accuracy, so there is a lot of realism to the gameplay, yet this isn't just a game for nerds. It's deep, but the curve is gradual, which will accommodate a wide range of gamers.
PC Gamer May 6, 2024
Even if you're not the seafaring type, Pirates of the Burning Sea offers genuinely enjoyable core gameplay that, despite a steep learning curve and a few rough spots, will capitivate even the driest of landlubbers.
Jolt Online Gaming UK May 6, 2024
It’s not trying to be particularly clever, but what it does it does very well and when the political and economic side of things starts to affect how you play you will find yourself in a very immersive world that will surprise you and keep on doing so.
Game Chronicles May 6, 2024
MMO developers that are working on new designs really need to take note of what the people at Flying Labs did with Pirates of the Burning Sea.
GameZone May 6, 2024
PotBS offers different fare from the usual assortment of MMOs in release, and that is a good thing. The game, though, is not one that can be truly appreciated inside a week. It takes time to delve into the nuances of the game mechanics and to explore the depth of what is offered.
GameShark May 6, 2024
The lack of innovation isn't what causes the game to suffer; instead, it's a bunch of minor nagging flaws that prevent it from being perfect. Still, in the end the thrilling ship combat and deep economic model thrusts the game into the upper tier of current MMOs.
IGN May 6, 2024
The real time ship combat is awesome in its tactical complexity and the player economy is deeper than we've seen in just about any other game. Unfortunately, the sword combat feels tacked-on and really cramps our swashbuckling groove.
YouGamers May 6, 2024
Surprisingly good effort for a pirate-themed MMO. Instead of a reskinned Everquest-derivative, we get some actual gameplay innovations.
Pelit (Finland) May 6, 2024
Pirates of the Burning Sea is basically Sid Meier's Pirates! as a MMORPG. High points of the game are the ship battles and a detailed, working economy, but the swashbuckling episodes and rather mediocre graphics are a bit of a letdown. Still, it's a refreshing change to a stale sword-and-sorcery genre.
GameDaily May 6, 2024
With plenty to do and gorgeous visuals, Pirates of the Burning Sea is a quality MMO no one should miss.
G4 TV May 6, 2024
Pirates of the Burning Sea is a very, very deep game. There’s PvP for those who want it; trading, crafting, and a detailed economy for the would-be barons of the sea; and the kind of strategic and dynamic combat that will appeal to gamers who just can’t get into the typically boring MMO function key combat system.
GameSpy May 6, 2024
The steep learning curve for Pirates of the Burning Sea is a shame, because underneath that crusty exterior is a brilliant naval combat game and one of the more interesting economic models ever introduced to the online gaming scene.
AceGamez May 6, 2024
These brave and new interpretations of familiar ideas are what sets Pirates of the Burning Sea apart from a great many other MMOs out at the moment.
Video Game Talk May 6, 2024
An excellent MMO on nearly all counts, but suffers from a shockingly huge learning curve.
GamerNode May 6, 2024
Features a depth not often found in MMOs. While its steep learning curve may turn off a few early on, eventually things fall into place. Once you figure things out shaping the world is highly engaging.
Thunderbolt May 6, 2024
It's a great MMORPG, and while it begins as a fairly overwhelming experience, it soon evolves into an almost casual game.
GameSpot May 6, 2024
If you can overlook Pirates of the Burning Sea's steep learning curve, you'll be rewarded with some of the most unforgettable moments in any online RPG.
Gaming Nexus May 6, 2024
Half brilliance, half blunder, Pirates of the Burning Sea sets players up with a boutique online experience rife with piracy, privateering, national pride, cutthroat commerce, user-generated content, conquerable ports, and a highly-listenable musical score.
PC Format May 6, 2024
It needs a lot more polish, but it's a really enjoyable romp, with some splendid scene-stealing stories.
Yahoo! May 6, 2024
The game is at its best when it is most imaginative, and even after the novelty of the outstanding setting fades, you'll find fathoms of depth in the ship combat and trading systems - especially once you find a regular group of sea-dogs to join.