December 12, 1999

Planescape: Torment

Planescape: Torment
Based on 389 Ratings
Based on 22 Reviews


Welcome to Sigil, the "City of Doors", a place with gates that lead anywhere in existence, provided you have the proper key. It is a neutral ground and watering hole for races across the multiverse, all under the watchful shadow of the Lady of Pain, the enigmatic ruler of the city. It is a place where the word is mightier than the sword, where thought defines reality, where belief has the power to reshape worlds and change the laws of physics. [Interplay]

Planescape: Torment Trailer

Critic Reviews22

Torment boasts a thoroughly enjoyable story line, and I can pretty much guarantee you won't be guessing how it all ends up with any degree of accuracy. This game has very few weaknesses, and predictability is certainly not one of them!
May 3, 2024
The best RPG of 1999. Planescape Torment raises the bar past "Baldur's Gate" and sets new standards in terms of storyline, character progression, conversation and interaction.
May 3, 2024
Planescape is very, very special. Some might say it's too bizarre and weird, but I found it a refreshingly deep and thoughtful interlude in an otherwise cookie-cutter world of Samegaming.
May 3, 2024

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