Pokemon Art Academy Critic Reviews
22 Total Reviews
21 Positive Reviews(95.5%)
1 Mixed Reviews(4.5%)
0 Negative Reviews(0%)
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October 20, 2014
With a plethora of mediums and subjects available, a thoughtful approach to teaching art and perfect touchpad controls, Art Academy is a must-have for any Pokemon doodler.
Digital Chumps
October 22, 2014
After all, stripped of all its unique elements, this is basically Microsoft Paint. Yet, those unique elements – none more important than the step-by-step tutorials and terrific infusion of the Pokemon brand – make Pokemon Art Academy so much more than a mere Office application.
September 12, 2014
It is charming and enjoyable, though, and that’s all I want from a piece of software I enjoy on a mobile device. Treat yourself and make some time. It’ll surprise you.
June 15, 2014
Pokémon Art Academy is a well presented software that manages to teach the players about drawing within a Pokémon-esque context, providing a vital and compelling framework for would-be artists to learn some skills while exploring one of Nintendo's biggest series. Sharing one's creations is also a high point here, even though the overall experience can be rather short and a 3DS screen does not go as far as a real canvas.
God is a Geek
June 16, 2014
Pokémon Art Academy is a polished, enjoyable time sink, with intuitive controls. It’s very easy to pick up and play, and uses the Pokémon licence well to introduce a new group of potential artists to the Art Academy series.
Nintendo Life
June 16, 2014
It's a well-realized, totally engaging experience that will appeal to both the curious and long-term fans alike, and uses its host of versatile, recognizable characters to put across a broad range of styles and techniques.
June 23, 2014
Pokémon Art Academy takes both franchises in a weird direction, but the true miracle is that it makes a more entertaining experience.
July 5, 2014
Pokémon Art Academy is an enjoyable, interactive experience that doesn't skimp on the content and complexity from the main Art Academy series.
July 5, 2014
Pokémon Art Academy is a surprisingly well done spin-off which does not merely exploits Pikachu & co. but actually manages to give solid advices and interesting fun facts about drawing and pokémon as well. Kids will love it.
Eurogamer Portugal
July 21, 2014
Headstrong Games did a good job with New Art Academy and Pokémon Art Academy follows the same direction, by providing an authentic course of visual education with the appeal of Pokémon creatures.
Game Revolution
October 22, 2014
Where the title lacks the ability to teach you real art skills, it’ll provide dozens of hours of entertainment for a gamer aware of what they’re getting into.
Gaming Nexus
November 19, 2014
The lack of Pokemon to draw can also be a bit of a turn-off for some, but the Free Paint mode’s ability to use a blank canvas or any picture on your SD card can help alleviate that a bit.
Official Nintendo Magazine UK
June 16, 2014
Though the game varies from too restrictive to too free, it's an excellent little sandbox for learning to draw your favourite Pokémon.
July 11, 2014
As an Art Academy game, it has a very interesting didactic value, but the Pokémon addition makes it perfect for a different audience.
July 13, 2014
Art Academy is creative, fun and relaxing, but a little bit on the short side.
June 24, 2014
A good learning method for drawing. With Pokémon. So an excellent method for kids.
Pocket Gamer UK
June 30, 2014
Pokémon Art Academy won't make up for you being inherently bad at art, but if you're interested in Pokémon, and drawing, it's a solid purchase.
Eurogamer Italy
July 31, 2014
Pokémon Art Academy is exactly what you would expect from it. It’s Art Academy with Pokémons and, while the premises seem promising, the game lacks the depth of Art Academy. Dedicate to children and fanatic Pokémon lovers.
August 6, 2014
Same formula, with Pokemons. It won't help improving your skills, but is a nice drawing activity for the younger players.
August 25, 2014
Pokémon Art Academy is a good mix between Pokémon and New Art Academy, which tended to propose maybe too classical drawings. Here, you really enjoy trying to create something good with some precise instructions and hundreds of creatures to draw. But once you're out of the Lessons Mode and free to draw what you want, the difficulty raises inevitably, so you'll need several hours of training to produce something nice. Hopefully you have a 3DS XL available.