March 15, 2003


Based on 36 Reviews
Release date
March 15, 2003


Switch between two playable characters at will. A unique pairing of characters: play as the modern-day heroine Jen as she acquires powerful demon form and abilities, or the watchful gargoyle Scree, who can possess statues and cling to walls. Work individually or as a team, applying each character's unique abilities to solve puzzles or overcome obstacles. Experienice worlds of exceptional size, beauty, and detail... with no load times thanks to fully dynamic streaming technology. [Sony]

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Critic Reviews36

This title's great story, realistic visuals and immersive game play will keep you glued to the screen for hours.
May 6, 2024
It's as free-form as a game can possibly be while retaining the qualities needed to remain a compelling interactive experience.
May 6, 2024
Not many games can touch you, let alone make you really think about not only the world around you but also your inner persona, who you would prefer to show to the world but often must keep hidden for the sake of keeping up appearances. Play this game.
May 6, 2024

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