
Psychonauts Critic Reviews

54 Total Reviews

54 Positive Reviews(100%)
0 Mixed Reviews(0%)
0 Negative Reviews(0%)

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GameShark May 7, 2024
The best platform game ever to grace the Xbox. The combination of solid gameplay and a clever and intelligently written story make this a game that must be experienced to be fully appreciated.
XboxAddict May 7, 2024
Psychonauts is a unique, fully realized world complemented with beautiful, artistically-minded aesthetics, addictive gameplay, and a touching regard for the humanity of its characters.
Worth Playing May 7, 2024
Without a doubt, it's the best platformer developed in the past few years, and quite possibly the best 3D platformer yet produced. It's got art, music, a storyline, incredible levels, a real sense of direction and a great sense of humor.
BonusStage May 7, 2024
Hands-down, one of the best games I've played, period, and I've been gaming for over 30 years. Whether Raz is going at it with a masked wrestler or stomping down the streets of a mental city at 50 stories tall, there's nothing out there like this.
Game Chronicles May 7, 2024
This is easily the most fun I have had playing a video game in 2005 and I can't recommend it highly enough. With any luck this will spin-off into a TV series – it's just THAT GOOD!
Xequted May 7, 2024
If you're a fan of sharp humor, great stories, stellar gameplay, or Invader Zim, you simply can't go wrong with this gem.
Call us crazy, but we're willing to bet the farm that the world of Psychonauts is the most inventive, creative, and downright vision that's ever graced a videogame.
XGP Gaming May 7, 2024
One hell of a good platformer with an awe inspiring story to keep it going if gamers feel the platforming is getting redundant.
Talk Xbox May 7, 2024
Simply put, Psychonauts is without a doubt, the best 3D platform game ever, yes I did say best 3D platform game ever, not one of the best, not second best, but best ever.
netjak May 7, 2024
Just a hair's breadth from perfection. The only real flaw comes in the form of the difficult to locate figments littering the levels. Everything else was incredible. The gameplay was smooth and responsive, the audio presentation was beyond impressive, and the visuals display a rare artistic value not seen in many games these days.
Deeko May 7, 2024
A platformer that stands head and shoulders above the rest. With a combination of quirky humor, fantastic graphics and wonderfully delivered voice acting, Psychonauts is an experience that you have to play in order to truly believe... It's simply brilliant.
TeamXbox May 7, 2024
With a solid gameplay foundation the Psychonauts story, character creation, and level design shines through brilliantly. The way in which the game designers made Psychonauts feel like a playable, adult cartoon is quite impressive and will floor anyone that enjoys the animation style that "Ren & Stimpy" helped to establish.
eToychest May 7, 2024
Psychonauts may not be particularly innovative in any of its undertakings, but it breathes new life into a stale genre by virtue of its humor and creativity alone.
DailyGame May 7, 2024
"Creative" and "well-executed" are the perfect terms to describe Psychonauts as a whole. Psychonauts is simply one of the most inspired, fun and ingenious games to appear on Xbox, if not any of the current console systems.
Kombo May 7, 2024
Psychonauts stays in your mind with its great gameplay, memorable visual style and storyline, as well as its persistently hilarous dialogue. It's easily the best platformer on the Xbox.
Inside Gamer Online May 7, 2024
No title is likely to exhibit this much magnetic appeal for some time to come, and as an outspoken resident of Lungfishopolis once remarked, if you don't buy Psychonauts, you "are against children-and against love."
Gaming Target May 7, 2024
Most definitely the best platform game to come to the Xbox in its 4 year life.
Gamezilla! May 7, 2024
The actual game is absolutely solid, but it's the charm, humor, and inventive environments that'll win you over time and time again.
GameZone May 7, 2024
The storyline is unique, the graphics are great, and the dialog is many times down right hilarious.
Jolt Online Gaming UK May 7, 2024
The fact that Psychonauts isn't on the radar as one of this year's big releases is a major shame, as it is, quite simply, superb.