Pupperazzi Critic Reviews
14 Total Reviews
10 Positive Reviews(71.4%)
4 Mixed Reviews(28.6%)
0 Negative Reviews(0%)
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February 21, 2023
Pupperazzi does a great job at being an adorable and relaxing game that's easy to put down and pick up at your leisure! 12/10 would pet the pups again.
Digitally Downloaded
January 24, 2022
Here's the thing about Pupperazzi: it isn't perfect, but it is perfectly happy. For days I've been obsessed with meeting new dogs, dressing new dogs, photographing new dogs, petting new dogs... you get the idea. Lord knows the world is a difficult enough place right now, and Pupperazzi makes things seem lighter and easier while playing. Photographers like myself will get a kick out of how the developers recreated the photographic process in a video game. Animals lovers will adore meeting each and every furry being. Aside from those two things that really irk me, the game is quite soothing... unless you're scrambling to take a photo of that ONE dog that will inevitably keep running away. And then you'll finally snap the sneaky little doggo and life will be all the happier.
January 20, 2022
Pupperazzi is a wholesome game that is just fun to play. It has many limitations, but it's also very aware of them and knows how to avoid them.
Checkpoint Gaming
January 23, 2022
Pupperazzi isn’t difficult or cerebral. This photography simulator doesn’t have the budget or serenity that other games in the genre might provide, but handily makes up for it with charm, personality, and hundreds of dogs being big goofballs. Even playing the same level multiple times will give you a random assortment of dogs and toys to mess around with, so the game doesn’t grow stale easily. It’s a fantastic example of a video game letting you live out a simple real-life fantasy: walking around without a care in the world, taking photos of endless dogs, and their fluffy, scratchable butts.
Gamers Heroes
January 23, 2022
The idyllic, low-stakes world of Pupperazzi is one that budding photographers can easily be lost in. The laundry list of objectives can weigh on even the most devout pupper lover, but it is still worth a go for those looking for a breather.
Screen Rant
January 20, 2022
With its charming world, enjoyable soundtrack, and dogs brimming with character, there’s lots of fun to be had with Pupperazzi. Unfortunately, replaying the levels even with variable weather conditions and day/night options can get stale a few hours in. Exploring is a joy the first time, but once players have seen everything there is to offer, there’s not much else. There's also some inconsistencies with dogNET, with users' responses sometimes praising a photo for elements it doesn't include. Despite this, Pupperazzi is barking up the right tree for dog fans. Thanks to its simple controls, this wholesome indie game is one that can be enjoyed by the whole family, and with its humor and cute pups, it’s hard not to crack a smile while snapping away.
Eurogamer Italy
January 20, 2022
Pupperazzi is a relaxing and enjoyable game that, despite its simplicity, manages to make people smile and entertain.
Hardcore Gamer
January 20, 2022
Pupperazzi immediately impresses with its adorable dogs bounding across a variety of colorful levels. Once digging into the game, it’s clear that there isn’t too much beyond the basic concept of collecting adorable photographs. Sure, there are ways to tweak the photos via lenses and filters, but there’s not much beyond that. With that said, there doesn’t need to be more to it. Pupperazzi is exactly the kind of game designed for players to unwind with after a stressful day. It demands little from the player and offers copious cartoony cuteness in response.
January 25, 2022
Pupperazzi is a lighthearted, chill little game that anyone can enjoy. If you’re not too worried about realism and don’t need a lot of high-level content, you’ll be happy with what Pupperazzi has to offer. The bad news is that it’s over pretty quickly, and there isn’t much reason to go back. The dogs are cute, and the whole thing is marginally surreal, but a bit of story or maybe some strong canine characters would have added to the experience, especially for older dog lovers.
Hey Poor Player
January 27, 2022
Although Pupperazzi’s length is far more impressive in dog hours, it’s worthy of any human’s attention. If you went into Pupperazzi expecting a cute dog photography game — congrats! You got exactly what you paid for. Pupperazzi wears its golden retriever heart on its sleeve; in fact, I wouldn’t be surprised if a golden retriever made this game, considering its sincere, fun, childish nature. Make no bones about it — Pupperazzi is a short but sweet dog photog romp that will leave players wagging their tails.
January 21, 2022
The concept is simple and so it is its execution, but Pupperazzi manages to entertain and keep you interested for a little while, and that's simply all we can ask from this game.
PC Invasion
January 20, 2022
Cute, but featuring far too high of a price tag to justify the amount of content it includes.
January 21, 2022
I'll throw Kitfox Games and Sundae Month a bone in this sense. Gaming needs more wholesome experiences like this and I'm glad Pupperazzi exists. If the team revisits this concept in the future, I'm excited for what it's capable of delivering. For now, I'll just look at this game as a ruff draft of something potentially greater.
January 28, 2022
Pupperazzi struggles to go beyond the obvious premise suggested by its witty name. Other than photographing a lot of dogs – so many, many dogs – there’s almost nothing else to do. While it remains charming and silly throughout, you’re not able to form any sort of lasting bond with any of these dogs. Your interactions with them are too fleeting, too inconsequential. That cute little pug I found snoozing under the picnic table doesn’t have a name, and she’ll be gone the next time I drop by. I can send you a photo of her I took, I suppose, but we both know you’re just going to delete it.