Pushmo Critic Reviews
31 Total Reviews
31 Positive Reviews(100%)
0 Mixed Reviews(0%)
0 Negative Reviews(0%)
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December 11, 2011
Pushmo is without question one of the best 3DS games we've played. It's great to see Nintendo step outside its comfort zone of critically acclaimed franchises and do something original that's both immensely entertaining and a neat showpiece for the hardware. Don't resist the urge. Download this gem immediately.
Pocket Gamer UK
December 12, 2011
Move over Minesweeper, ta ta Tetris, leave it out Lemmings - Pullblox is the new puzzling gaming god in town.
January 4, 2012
It's one of the 3DS's most outstanding offerings to date -- not because it pushes the hardware in any way, but because it embodies the polish and craftsmanship that elevates the best Nintendo games from "good" to "great."
January 19, 2012
This is precisely the sort of game I'll bust out every time I find myself on a long flight: it's addictive, challenging without even a whiff of frustration, and packed to the brim with content. I honestly have no complaints about Pushmo, and fully believe that unless you are deeply offended by baby-rescuing sumo wrestlers or block puzzles somehow killed your firstborn, you should download it immediately.
Gaming Nexus
February 3, 2012
Pushmo is easily one of the best puzzle games I've ever played in quite some time. With over 200 puzzles already in the game, plus the ability to create your own, this game has quite a bit of replay value and depth to it.
D+PAD Magazine
February 10, 2012
Pullblox is one of the finest titles currently available for the 3DS and even in a world where iPhone games can cost under a pound there's no questioning the value for money that Pullblox provides; it's really is a massive game with near-endless customisability.
December 8, 2011
Buy it. Love it. And get to work making some of your very own Pushmo, because I want to play them.
December 12, 2011
Pushmo is an ingenious puzzler that will consume the free time of anyone who gives it a whirl. I found myself putting in hours at a time because of its addictive nature. If you own a 3DS, do yourself a favor and go download Pushmo.
December 17, 2011
Pullblox is Nintendo's eShop Killer Application: a simple, addictive, fresh concept which greatly demonstrates what 3D can do for your gameplay pleasure. Add to this more than 200 state-of-the-art levels and an intuitive editor and you have a game which is virtually perfect, for a ridiculous price.
Official Nintendo Magazine UK
December 12, 2011
Virtual Console classics aside, Pullblox is the first essential 3DS eShop game. Download it now if you haven't done so already.
Games Master UK
December 17, 2011
Depth-based design is perfect for 3D, with many solutions only making sense when you see how different layers relate to one another.
December 22, 2011
Beating each stage is pure joy, symbolizing our ascent beyond our childhood years– or perhaps how they stay with us constantly, only even more vivid than before.
Nintendo Life
December 12, 2011
Up to this point, there haven't really been any breakout 3DS download titles; of course, the 3D Classics games are nice, but they're not completely original. Pullblox, deceptively simple as it may seem, features great gameplay, a lengthy main game, a simple to use level creation and sharing tool and, best of all, comes at quite a low price. It's far and away one of the best downloads available at the moment and a recommended purchase for anybody.
December 19, 2011
If we only consider the price/quality relationship, Pullblox shoud be the first option to consider by Nintendo 3DS's owners in this fall. Absolutely essential.
December 21, 2011
Pullblox is one of the most intriguing 3DS title. A splendid puzzle game, smart and entertaining.
December 21, 2011
In many ways, Pullblox is Nintendo's answer to Portal. Both are budget puzzlers released to little fanfare that exhibit the finest qualities of their respective developers.
December 21, 2011
With Pushmo, not only do 3DS owners have a solid game that shows off the system's visual capabilities, but we've also got a truly fantastic title that's really at its best on this particular console.
December 27, 2011
An outstanding puzle game, that starts slowly but evolves quickly, becoming very addictive. A great start for Intelligent System on the 3DS and at a great price.
Eurogamer Portugal
January 3, 2012
Pullblox is an amazing surprise for the end of 2011.
January 29, 2012
Pullblox is a must have for the 3DS. The simplistic concept results in a large amount of phenomenal puzzles, easily keeping you busy for a while. After that you can go nuts in the great level-editor. It's a shame that your created levels can't be shared online, though!