
Puzzle Quest: Galactrix Critic Reviews

33 Total Reviews

26 Positive Reviews(78.8%)
7 Mixed Reviews(21.2%)
0 Negative Reviews(0%)

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GameShark May 14, 2024
It’s this blend of casual pick up and play feel, deep, challenging gameplay and copious amounts of activities that makes this a very hard game to put down.
GamePro May 14, 2024
Deep, addictive gameplay; worthy sequel to the original Puzzle Quest.
Cheat Code Central May 14, 2024
The crew at Infinite Interactive did a fantastic job of continuing the Puzzle Quest series without letting it get bogged down in the mire of unoriginality. The story is great, the presentation is slick and polished, the puzzles are challenging, varied, and fresh, and the new setting really makes things unique.
Impulsegamer May 14, 2024
With great graphics, an immersive soundtrack, Galactrix is a brilliant puzzle game that suits the DS perfectly which we could happily recommend to a variety of different gamers as they attempt to explore the galaxy through this wondrous puzzle universe.
GameZone May 14, 2024
Few DS games are as interesting, as satisfying, or just as fun as Puzzle Quest: Galactrix. Whether you’re a PQ fan or a newcomer to the series, this one will suck you in and keep you happily addicted for months to come.
IGN May 14, 2024
If you are a fan of PQ, Galactrix will hook you all over again. The zero gravity puzzle game is slightly more complex, and there is an entire galaxy of quests, mini-games, and characters to get lost in. Some interface hiccups mar the presentation and the visuals aren't all that impressive, but the core gameplay is rock solid. Plus, the music is fantastic.
Game Informer May 14, 2024
Galactrix succeeds in all the ways a sophomore entry should. It maintains the core approach of its successful forebear, but isn’t afraid to integrate a bevy of new ideas along the way. Not every one of these new concepts pans out, but it hasn’t lost the flavor that made so many devote themselves the first time around.
GameTrailers May 14, 2024
Puzzle Quest Galactrix successfully reproduces the hybrid RPG/puzzle design that made the previous fantasy-themed Challenge of the Warlords so successful. Even if the overall package doesn't quite match the magic of the older game, this is still a great puzzle title that's tough to put down once you've picked it up.
GamesRadar+ May 14, 2024
Its handful of small setbacks are just about evenly balanced with its improvements though, so Galactrix still offers an addictive, puzzle-meets-RPG experience that won’t disappoint most fans of the original PQ, as well as anyone looking for an accessible game that still packs plenty of substance.
GameSpy May 14, 2024
Like peanut butter and chocolate, the combination of classic puzzle gameplay and RPG game mechanics results in something greater than the sum of its parts.
GameDaily May 14, 2024
Some of the in-game events are tedious, like unlocking Leapgates or tracking down an enemy who is faster than you are, but Galactrix is still out of this world.
Modojo May 14, 2024
Aside from the strict multiplayer set-up and smaller issues, Puzzle Quest Galactrix is a top-notch sequel. If you need a solid portable puzzler or just want a little something different, head to Galactrix's final frontier.
Extreme Gamer May 14, 2024
This is a highly addictive and fun puzzle game that every DS owners should check out.
Game Over Online May 14, 2024
It’s not quite as well-rounded an experience as its predecessor and it can be frustrating at times, but ultimately the combination role-playing and 3-match puzzle game formula is still very much a winner here.
Worth Playing May 14, 2024
The issues with loading and presentation make the predecessor, "Challenge of the Warlords" , the better of the two titles as far as Nintendo DS gamers are concerned. However, the amount of content here in Puzzle Quest: Galactrix and the difficulty of the game make it leagues better than most other titles you'll find on the portable system. Most importantly, while the rules of the main game have changed, the fun and addictive nature still come through.
Video Game Talk May 14, 2024
Puzzle Quest: Galactrix is a lot of fun and it reminds me why I enjoyed the first game as much as I did. The simple puzzle interface combined with the role-playing elements go together like peanut butter and chocolate.
Nintendo Power May 14, 2024
Find a space-faring friend to exchange laser fire with via local multiplayer.
Level7.nu May 14, 2024
This an addictive and equally fun puzzler that actually manages to throw in a storyline in between the puzzling. Even though the plot is quite superfluous it does work. If you're in the market for a fun and addictive puzzler for the Nintendo DS you should definitely give this one a try.
Gamervision May 14, 2024
The series remains the only true blending of the two genres, and Galactrix, if nothing else, proves that the Puzzle Quest definitely has room to grow. Hopefully inevitable sequels will be able to refine the tutorials, learning from PC strategy games in easing players into mechanics, instead of piling them on from the outset.
Nintendo Gamer May 14, 2024
A solid second outing for the Puzzle Quest series that will keep you busy for light years if you can overlook a few frustrating elements.