Quantum Conundrum Critic Reviews
60 Total Reviews
53 Positive Reviews(88.3%)
7 Mixed Reviews(11.7%)
0 Negative Reviews(0%)
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June 21, 2012
This game is amazing, and I would gladly pay forty bucks for it. It almost seems wrong to enjoy a $15 title this much. Quantum Conundrum has more polish and charm than most full-price retail releases, and it plays just as well. It took me about eight hours to get through the story once, and I could easily spend another eight with it.
June 21, 2012
It's a work of craftsman-like quality going for a ridiculously low price point, especially since the game has two upcoming DLC drops planned. High whimsy content aside, fans of new, interesting, brain-bending challenges need to seek this one out.
June 21, 2012
A novel and original concept, executed cleanly and with style - in short, the ideal to which videogames should aspire.
June 27, 2012
Quantum Conundrum is a great game that stretches your brain and forces you to think in different ways. It's fairly long as well, and I spent about 10 hours finishing the main game. There are goals related to time and the number of shifts needed to solve a puzzle, which adds some replay value. It's a terrific game for puzzle and platforming fans alike, and at $15 it's a great bargain.
June 27, 2012
Quantum Conundrum isn't of the same calibre as its inspirational predecessor at Valve, but if you're looking for a new first-person game that doesn't involve violence, weapons or adult themes of any kind, the low entry price seals it as a worthy addition to a genre that we hope will continue to blossom.
LEVEL (Czech Republic)
August 10, 2012
Brilliant logical game comes with creative puzzles and great atmosphere – and you even learn something about the laws of physics.
June 22, 2012
This is one of the best 3D puzzlers out there. The sheer genius of a certain Portal is still superior, but Quantum Conundrum is not far behind.
Cheat Code Central
June 22, 2012
By no means a perfect game. But it's an incredibly enjoyable one that preserves the spirit of Portal, introduces some fascinating new mechanics, and provides players with a great new set of puzzles. At $15, that's a steal, plain and simple.
June 25, 2012
Quantum Conundrum it's a funny and original title created with great mastery.
Game Informer
June 21, 2012
With its physics-warping mechanics, thoughtful brainteasers, and playful atmosphere, Quantum Conundrum should appeal to the legions of Portal fanatics. Some may complain that it's not as funny or as clever as Valve's hit series, but Quantum Conundrum is a unique experience that deserves attention nonetheless.
June 26, 2012
A brilliant puzzle game, one that feeds and satisfies the brain without ever frustrating the player. Put down the virtual guns and use professor Quadrangle's IDS for a while. It will be nice, trust us.
Game Over Online
July 6, 2012
Quantum Conundrum, thin plot and kind of bland atmosphere aside, has some great puzzle action to it. For the bargain price of $15, it is well worth the price of admission.
June 21, 2012
The challenges will please more core gamers while the comprehensible level design will likely attract new players attracted to the art style and refreshingly different gameplay mechanics. I recommend it heartily to fans of Portal (either version) as well as gamers who may be suffering from shooter fatigue.
Computer Games Online RO
July 10, 2012
But yes, I do recommend it to anyone passionate about spatial puzzles that require switching dimensions (and more). Some of its shortcomings, like the platforming sequences, could be regarded as relative, because some people will be better than others at appreciating distances and the moments at which they need to react.
July 19, 2012
Quantum Conundrum is a great game that with a clear conscience can be recommended to all puzzlers.
Games Master UK
July 24, 2012
A cuddly, yet tricky, platform puzzler to rival, but not quite surpass, GLaDOS's finest.
June 22, 2012
A joy for players looking for something interesting and original. The clever puzzle design and the great mechanic of changing dimensions makes this a really good experiencie, only a bit flawed by some details that are bearable anyway.
June 21, 2012
An intelligent and rewarding puzzler in the Portal mould, highly recommended for genre fans.
June 21, 2012
Quantum Conundrum is a fine adventure with a mechanically competent series of puzzles, and I definitely recommend it, but while the game has got plenty of brain it doesn't have nearly enough heart.