Radical Rabbit Stew Critic Reviews
8 Total Reviews
5 Positive Reviews(62.5%)
3 Mixed Reviews(37.5%)
0 Negative Reviews(0%)
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God is a Geek
July 20, 2020
Radical Rabbit Stew is afun 16-bit puzzler with an amusing story. While it's short, sitting at the 2-3 hour mark to complete, it's a good way to spend an afternoon. Different, cute and quirky.
Playstation Official Magazine UK
August 22, 2020
This one’s definitely a lighter course
overall but feels substantial as it’s filled to
the brim with its own unique
blend of flavours. Puzzle fiends
looking for their next meal
absolutely shouldn’t pass up this
refreshing snack.
PlayStation Country
July 14, 2020
Radical Rabbit Stew is a fine puzzle game that only occasionally resorts to cheap shots. The fact that you could tear through all the levels in an evening is very much a good thing. We'll pass on the speedruns though.
Screen Rant
July 16, 2020
Radical Rabbit Stew is a stellar game for the duration of its playthrough regardless of its shortcomings in a distinct lack of difficulty and its extremely brisk length.
PlayStation Universe
July 20, 2020
Bright and light-hearted, Radical Rabbit Stew may not push the boundaries of game design but it is funny, heart-warming and never overstays its welcome. It looks great, sounds great and runs amazingly well. The amazingly oversized bosses are a joy to take on and due to the trial and error nature of the game, the quick restarts are critical. The game may as well be called Rabbit Baseball Simulator 2020 as you whack a multitude of the furry buggers into big cooking pots but if you need a quick puzzle game in your life, this could be the one.
Slant Magazine
July 16, 2020
Metaphorically speaking, the developers at Pugstorm have left more than half the carrot buried in the soil.
July 21, 2020
Radical Rabbit Stew is a good time throughout its short run, but its level design and gameplay leave a bit to be desired. It still shines with its progression, art style, and music, and can be a welcome play for those missing the classic arcade games it's inspired by.
Finger Guns
August 5, 2020
Because everything is pretty much the same, unless you really get involved in it, Radical Rabbit Stew does start to get a bit dull pretty fast. It seems there really is a limit to how long you can play a game where you fling rabbits around (who knew?) and it seems to be about two hours, when that trophy pops.