Ragnarok Odyssey Critic Reviews
21 Total Reviews
13 Positive Reviews(61.9%)
8 Mixed Reviews(38.1%)
0 Negative Reviews(0%)
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October 30, 2012
For all its missteps as an action-RPG, it is simply flawless as an example of how to make a Vita experience work. Judicious use of touchscreen controls, beautiful visuals, a smartly broken-up mission structure and eerily swift loading times makes this the gold standard for Sony's portable.
PlayStation LifeStyle
November 6, 2012
A Vita game that you need to pick up and enjoy, because it is one of the best experiences on Sony's handheld yet. Sure the game has some frustrating moments and can become a bit repetitive, but it delivers intense action, smooth visuals, and an online experience that will have you coming back for more.
November 13, 2012
I do think that, in the end, Ragnarok Odyssey should appeal to a wide range of gamers. With the relative drought of great Vita games lately it's probably a safe bet for anyone looking to expand their library.
Hardcore Gamer
October 30, 2012
It appears that Game Arts made this to appeal to more than just a niche audience, and the game is much better for it.
December 3, 2012
I enjoyed my time with Ragnarok Odyssey and thought it to be a great fit for the Vita. The "pick up and play" nature of the contract system makes it the perfect game to play while sitting on a train, plane or bus. Those who have already tackled Monster Hunter for the PSP and are looking for more would do well to give this one a gander.
Gaming Nexus
December 6, 2012
While it may appear to be a simple carbon-copy of Capcom's Monster Hunter, Ragnarok Odyssey goes to great lengths to develop an identity of its own. Action packed quests, an expansive and beautiful world, and a simple-yet-addictive approach to combat makes this game more enjoyable than Capcom's series in the long run. This is an excellent mobile RPG in my book.
March 7, 2013
It's fun and entertaining, but there are some issues that we would like to see fixed. We can't deny, though, it has the potential to keep us killing monsters for a long while, no matter if alone or online, which is more than what many games can offer.
November 1, 2012
Despite its issues in just about every department, the core of Ragnarok Odyssey is a competent Monster Hunter-style adventure. For the right audience, the fast-paced combat counterbalances any issues with repetition and awkwardness.
Push Square
November 6, 2012
Ragnarok Odyssey falls short in a few areas, but there is still enough quality gameplay to encourage you to persevere through the repetitive missions and slow character progression system. Fans of the RPG genre in particular should check out this title, while everyone else might want to adopt a more cautious attitude before approaching.
PlayStation Universe
November 29, 2012
Game Art seeks to create a title that'll give Monster Hunter a run for its money. Though it's not quite there, it's a very solid first attempt to an exclusive title that should continue to grace the PlayStation Vita.
Pocket Gamer UK
March 6, 2013
Though Ragnarok Odyssey is a dumbed-down RPG that won't please stat-fiends, it's still pretty great at what it does.
March 12, 2013
It’s a different style of hunting – an experience that is based on fast speed rather than methodical strategy – so if that sounds like your cup of tea, then Ragnarok Odyssey will offer hours of fun. Just don’t go in expecting a deep experience, as this is the Dynasty Warriors of the monster hunting genre.
November 12, 2012
Simply put, Ragnarok Odyssey is more accessible than a traditional RPG. While this is great for a more casual player, the hardcore RPG gamer might be underwhelmed with the games lack of depth.
October 30, 2012
Ragnarok Odyssey doesn't deliver, and your money is better spent elsewhere.
November 13, 2012
All of the problems listed here are clearly something to take into consideration when looking at Ragnarok Odyssey, but this game is not a typical start-to-finish RPG. It's best played in chunks with occasional bouts of co-op thrown in for good measure.
November 19, 2012
When all's said and done, Ragnarok Odyssey takes almost all of its major cues from the leader of its genre, and then flatly fails to deliver a commensurate level of depth in combat, quest design, and equipment tinkering.
Cheat Code Central
November 8, 2012
Painfully mediocre and flawed at its very core.
Gaming Age
November 6, 2012
In the end though, I found Ragnarok Odyssey to be a bit of a bore. I was looking forward to my first Monster Hunter clone on the Vita, but came away from this one with a pretty sour taste in my mouth.