Rebel Galaxy Critic Reviews
29 Total Reviews
23 Positive Reviews(79.3%)
5 Mixed Reviews(17.2%)
0 Negative Reviews(0%)
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October 19, 2015
Rebel Galaxy is clearly designed to appeal to those who played and loved Elite and Freelancer when they were popular but I suspect that the game also has the potential to attract classic RPG lovers who are looking for something more than classic fantasy.
Gaming Nexus
October 28, 2015
Rebel Galaxy is one of the best space games released in some time, both in terms of its vast content and that its low price that won't break your wallet.
October 26, 2015
The physics might not simulate space very well, but I see that as more of a creative liberty taken to make the rest of the mechanics much more enjoyable. The broadside battles between capitol ships make the combat feel epic, and I’m excited to see what more the devs can do either with this game or their next.
October 20, 2015
A well-made space action exploration game with solid visuals and sound and an explosively fun combat system. Its non-story driven content gets repetitive after a while but you will be thoroughly entertained until then.
Game World Navigator Magazine
November 11, 2015
Minimalistic controls. Huge freedom of choice. Loads of fun. The only time something isn’t happening in Rebel Galaxy is when you pause it to go brew another cup of tea.
PC Games
October 15, 2015
Rebel Galaxy scratches the Freelancer itch that went untreated for over a decade.
October 16, 2015
While it's not as deep as it first appears, fun and fast naval-style combat and a vast explorable galaxy made me want to try out each of its different styles of captaining, and kept me happily blasting away.
Eurogamer Italy
October 20, 2015
Rebel Galaxy is a stupendous effort from a small development team. Somewhat limited in the scope, the game shines in combat, ship progression and production values.
October 22, 2015
Light on content but heavy on freedom, Rebel Galaxy is a charming romp through a frontier brimming with choices to make.
PC Invasion
October 23, 2015
Eschewing complex 3D flight models for whiskey and galactic broadsides, Rebel Galaxy takes the traditional space trading model, dresses it in spurs, and sets it loose on a frontier that’s dynamic, dangerous and unashamedly fun.
The Escapist
November 3, 2015
Rebel Galaxy offers an exciting, if streamlined experience of commanding a large spaceship with a heavy focus on combat. It doesn't do much with the story beyond inviting you into its universe, but the gameplay, Western-inspired setting and procedurally generated nature will keep you playing for many hours.
November 4, 2015
Great shoot-outs, freedom of choices and a lot of creative work in the hangar make the Galaxy Rebel interesting option for of space activities and simulation lovers.
November 10, 2015
If I was going to compare, Rebel Galaxy is this genres Burnout going up against the “Elite” behemoth that is Gran Turismo.
November 17, 2015
Rebel Galaxy is shallow but really compelling and immersive space combat and trading game.
PC PowerPlay
December 3, 2015
The galaxy may be a bit empty, but there's still a lot to love about Rebel Galaxy.
Pelit (Finland)
March 3, 2016
Rebel Galaxy is an open world Freelancer-like with capital ship combat and a universe that looks more alive than it really is. The gameplay was fun enough, visuals good enough, audio epic and the story interesting enough to keep me well entertained for the duration.
October 27, 2015
A fun solo venture, but it won’t suck out thousands of your hours.
November 5, 2015
Rebel Galaxy has a ton of style and an incredible atmosphere that captures the weird little subgenre of space western to wonderful effect. But its repetitive combat and focus on trucking across the galaxy means that it’s not as exciting as it could be. There’s a lot to like, but you’ve got to work for it.
Game Informer
November 16, 2015
Rebel Galaxy appears complicated out of the gate, but it hits a steady pace after some acclimating to the ship controls and menu-based features like upgrade shops and the commodity market. The progression loop of grinding out missions, earning credits to beef up your ship, then taking it back out again is fun, but the mission design felt too familiar to keep me hooked for the long haul.
November 20, 2015
With its impressive ballistic action (albeit on a 2D plane) and the constant search for better equipment this mixture of games like Drox Operative, VoidExpanse, Assassin’s Creed Black Flag and of course Elite: Dangerous is a pleasant surprise in the overgrowing indie market.