
Red Orchestra 2: Heroes of Stalingrad Critic Reviews

49 Total Reviews

40 Positive Reviews(81.6%)
9 Mixed Reviews(18.4%)
0 Negative Reviews(0%)

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GameSpy September 14, 2011
The kind of shooter that can live only on the PC. It's far deeper than console shooters, and makes no concessions to accessibility to appeal to a casual audience. This is as hardcore as first person shooters get, and if you're prepared to put the time in to learn how to play it well, you'll be rewarded with a level of satisfaction that team deathmatch will never deliver.
Meristation September 19, 2011
Tripware brings one of the most cruel battles in human history to our home. A fight on the streets and house by house, recreated by one of the most demanding FPS of the moment. We have never been so close to knowing what those anonymous soldiers felt. Superb game.
CPUGamer November 27, 2011
The basic fact is that Red Orchestra 2 spoils you. Playing any other shooter, especially one that claims to be realistic, after going through a few rounds in RO2 is bound to be a disappointment.
3DJuegos September 26, 2011
Red Orchestra 2 delivers one of the best WW2 experience to date. The game has several bugs, but it embraces the entangling realism of a real war.
Everyeye.it September 21, 2011
Despite the plethora of bugs, Red Orchestra 2 delivers the best WW2 experience to date. Forget about the buggy and useless singleplayer and embrace the entangling realism of a real battlefield, like never before.
Pelit (Finland) October 10, 2011
After a few hours of adjustment, blam! I suddenly fell in love with RO2, regardless of the bugs and other issues. Its unique, realistic, ruthless portrayal of war is a refreshing antithesis for crowdpleasers like Call of Duty and Battlefield. RO2 will be a long lasting cult game, and personally I can't wait the game is fixed so I can get back to the ruins of Stalingrad!
Multiplayer.it September 28, 2011
Despite the lack of polishing, a lot of bugs and an awful single player AI, Red Orchestra 2: Heroes of Stalingrad is one of the deeper and most compelling FPS experience we've played since a lot time ago.
GameCritics October 19, 2011
A game like Red Orchestra 2 is a rare find in this era, even considering that World War II has been done to death as a game setting. An uncompromising title that does not have any qualms about throwing players to the sharks and saying "deal with it", it's a deeply satisfying multiplayer experience if one can suffer enough to allow it to be.
GameStar October 26, 2011
The game punishes every error, has a steep learning curve and is not made for beginners, but at the same time it's extremly motivating. Once you're into the game, you won't be able to stop playing for hours.
GamingXP September 26, 2011
Going through the Hell of Stalingrad in a shooter? Not everyone's thing. There's a few technical issues and it's hard to get into for newbies despite a singleplayer-campaing. Still, if the topic doesn't bother you, and you want realism rather than bouncing ball PvP opponents, Red Orchestra 2 is a good choice.
GameWatcher September 17, 2011
A mostly triumphant and surprisingly refreshing return to the FPS' favourite setting. Although the single-player is rather lacking, the attention to detail and harrowing atmosphere make for some intense and gripping multiplayer battles.
Destructoid September 19, 2011
Hits a sweet spot for me. The gameplay is fast-paced without being too hectic and confusing. The realism is not as arcade-like as Call of Duty, and it's not a hardcore simulation like Arma II. There is even enough variety in the role types that you can have a completely different gameplay experience depending on what you want to do.
Gameblog.fr September 19, 2011
Red Orchestra's back with an even more polished gameplay, a new graphical engine, some added mechanics, and, indeed, tanks. The realism of the first one is back yet again, even though some slight modifications may throw off some of the gamers used to the original. But this mix of atmosphere and demanding gameplay, both as an individual FPS gamer and a team player, is what makes RO2 unique. It still lacks a little polish, though, but a patch should take care of this.
GamePro September 21, 2011
RO2 is an acquired taste and brutally punishing to newcomers.
IGN September 21, 2011
In Red Orchestra 2 carelessness is swiftly punished and careful positioning and teamwork ultimately rewarded. It's a game for the patient, and despite its slower pace, no less exhilarating than any other shooter on the market.
Ten Ton Hammer September 23, 2011
With a full retail price and low amount of single player content, you have to really love the multiplayer gunplay in order to love the game.
Games.cz September 23, 2011
A fine line of a multiplayer shooter appears under a cloud of faults. This game is not afraid of getting out of an arcade stream, and it tortures a player with its realism and team-based gaming approach; it also brings several approaches of online warfare. Yet, the starts are painful, but Stalingrad's atmosphere won't let you leave.
Da Gameboyz September 28, 2011
Tripwire has created a very awesome game. They succeeded in making a realistic, strategic, first-person shooter. It isn't a game designed with a single-player campaign in mind. It isn't for people wanting a twitchy, run-and-gun FPS. It's designed for PC gamers who want a complex shooter.
DarkStation September 29, 2011
In Red Orchestra, there are so many variables to take into consideration before pulling the trigger, which makes nabbing a kill against another human player infinitely more rewarding than any other shooter on the market.
PC PowerPlay October 3, 2011
A solid alternative to the deluge of twitch-based multiplayer shooters, with great potential to draw in new fans to the realism shooter scene.