
RF Online Critic Reviews

23 Total Reviews

5 Positive Reviews(21.7%)
16 Mixed Reviews(69.6%)
2 Negative Reviews(8.7%)

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GamePro May 8, 2024
RF Online delivers an MMO that focuses more on battles and less on stories and quests. For those who lust after solid plots and definitive quests, they can stick to their "World of Warcraft" and "Final Fantasy XI." For those who just want to log on and kick butt, RF Online is the prescription for you.
Thunderbolt May 8, 2024
All jokes aside, RF Online is a stable and an entertaining game once you progress through the earlier portions of the game.
Gaming Nexus May 8, 2024
I’ve had a lot of ups and downs with this game. One the one hand, the people playing RFO are awesome. On the other, the game itself is not so great. It lags, there are bugs, and its definitely not a game you can just pick up and play. I, however, am addicted.
GameBrink May 8, 2024
Somewhat shallow, somewhat lacking in content, but a decent diversion for MMO fanatics if they’ve got no other online addiction at the time.
Gamezilla! May 8, 2024
The graphics and audio do give a respectable performance that most will be satisfied with and RF Online does a great job setting up a game that has potential. The tedious nature of the gameplay however may leave the more casual fans of this genre out in the cold.
GameZone May 8, 2024
This is a title that is fit for the Asian style of gaming, which means it is long on grind.
GameSpot May 8, 2024
RF Online has a compelling player-versus-player component, but the rest of the game is tedious and uninspired.
PC Zone UK May 8, 2024
Unfortunately, an hour's excitement out of eight is poor going, so RF Online is best played only if you enjoy continual grind with minimal reward. Most of us get enough of that at work.
A somewhat okay RPG with pretty characters and some all right game play, but far too tedious for the average gamer.
Yahoo! May 8, 2024
Sorry, RF Online: Life's too short to play a mediocre MMOG.
G4 TV May 8, 2024
RF Online isn’t a bad MMO by any means; it simply suffers from an over-abundance of menial tasks.
GameShark May 8, 2024
In the end RF Online is one of those games that will be a hit or miss depending on whether or not you enjoy the theme, gameplay and game world that it offers (sci-fi with a touch of fantasy).
IGN May 8, 2024
Without a compelling, evolving storyline, players are left level grinding until they reach Level 30. PvP is limited to only one battleground, and must be fought for every eight hours. As it stands, this title will appeal only to those who are bored of the other MMOs already out.
Worth Playing May 8, 2024
It has good art assets, visual design, and sound. However, I cannot recommend this title to veteran MMO players or to those seeking to get into the genre.
Games Master UK May 8, 2024
You'd be nuts to pick this over "Warcraft" - there's just no contest.
IncGamers May 8, 2024
Oh, and whatever you do, don’t do the tutorial. It’s a punishment from God or some other cosmic being.
PC Format May 8, 2024
If there is an intriguing idea buried within RF Online, it's suffocating.
PC Gamer UK May 8, 2024
You've no reason to buy this.
Eurogamer May 8, 2024
RF Online is like playing an endless game of slow-motion whack-a-rat, without the entertainment of the fairground surroundings.
1UP May 8, 2024
The only thing that makes RF Online stand out is its unique art and setting, and that doesn't count for a lot when the game world and background story has the depth of a kiddie pool.