
Ridge Racer 3D Critic Reviews

59 Total Reviews

50 Positive Reviews(84.7%)
9 Mixed Reviews(15.3%)
0 Negative Reviews(0%)

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Joystiq March 27, 2011
I have to hand it to Namco-Bandai: With the exception of omitting online multiplayer, it really put together a solid entry in the series for the 3DS launch, one that's easily high on the list of best titles available for the new system.
The lack of any online features is a crying shame, but for 3D racing it's fantastic.
Nintendo Gamer April 23, 2011
Gorgeous, detailed, super-fast and loveably mad.
IGN UK March 22, 2011
It doesn't add anything new to Ridge Racer's well-worn formula, nor does it do anything particularly daring with it, but the 3D overhaul combined with a surplus of content are enough to blow away the dust that's settled on the series over the years.
NintendoWorldReport March 27, 2011
a great launch game that offers fun gameplay and an awesome use of 3D.
Nintendojo May 5, 2011
It would be a terrible tragedy to forget to mention the game's soundtrack. While I usually am not a fan of techno, I must admit that the wide selection of tracks included in Ridge Racer 3D is a surprisingly dynamic collection of well produced tunes that fit the game's sensibilities quite well.
Game Chronicles April 13, 2011
When all is said and done, Ridge Racer 3D is a good game to pick up with your launch system. It's fun to play, surprisingly enduring, and it shows off the system well.
Eurogamer March 16, 2011
Once you penetrate beyond the first few hours of torpid "Basic" races and start earning the praise continually heaped on you regardless by the game's obsequious announcer lady, this is a Ridge Racer experience that could be unlike any other. It has the pace, it has a solid structure and it has a new edge thanks to that magic 3D slider.
Impulsegamer March 16, 2011
An excellent arcade racing experience that has literally hundreds of races while giving gamers the wondrous new experience of 3D gaming.
Metro GameCentral March 21, 2011
No launch game benefits more from the 3DS's stereoscopic 3D than this almost illicitly addictive return to Ridge City.
Cubed3 March 22, 2011
Ridge Racer 3D is easily one of the safest options when choosing your first few Nintendo 3DS titles.
Gamereactor Sweden March 23, 2011
Nicely executed over-the-top racing equals one of the best release titles for the 3DS.
Telegraph March 23, 2011
At launch, in the here and now, it's a satisfying celebration of Ridge Racer's breezy ubiquity at getting the best out of shiny, new hardware.
GameZone March 30, 2011
If you want a full Ridge Racer experience that makes one of the best uses of 3D so far and just so happens to fit in your pocket, then Ridge Racer 3D is a launch game that deserves your attention and immediate purchase.
Modojo March 30, 2011
The absence of online multiplayer knocks Ridge Racer 3D down a peg, a ton of recycled content overshadows the new stuff and occasionally, the action slows down when too much happens on screen. Those nitpicky complaints aside, this is one of the best games the young 3DS has to offer.
GamePro March 31, 2011
While some features make Ridge Racer 3D feel like it was produced on auto-pilot, they don't stop the game from being one of the marquee titles of the 3DS' launch-up. Its refined use of the 3D effect makes it worth showcasing to friends who have been on the fence in purchasing the handheld. And it has more than enough content to satisfy the Ridge Racer devout, even it will take a while to feel truly tested against the A.I.
Cheat Code Central April 1, 2011
Ridge Racer hasn't changed much over the last few years, but if you're not looking for the next evolution in racing, its arcade drifting will keep you coming back for more.
Worth Playing April 3, 2011
When it comes down to it, Ridge Racer 3D is a familiar comfort that new 3DS owners can turn to if they want a safe launch game that they're likely to enjoy.
Gameblog.fr April 5, 2011
Even though one could argue that Namco played the recycling card for most of the content of this new Ridge Racer and probably didn't push the hardware that much in terms of visuals, the game remains fun to play and true to its promise. With its 100% arcade gameplay, a steady and fast frame rate, and the 3D effect that really pushes the immersion further, and a lot of content, those who like the series can't miss this iteration, even though it remains a little repetitive in the long run.
Universo Nintendo April 6, 2011
With no online multiplayer and poor graphics, Ridge Racer 3D is a game with close to no ambition, but one that entertains with an ideal gameplay, many hours of content and a nice use of the 3D effect. Definitely one of the best games the 3DS launch has to offer.