October 18, 2019

Ring Fit Adventure

Ring Fit Adventure
Based on 58 Reviews
Release date
October 18, 2019


Traverse grass-swept plains by jogging in place, attack enemies with overhead shoulder presses, and refill your health meter by striking some yoga poses. Two new accessories, the Ring-Con™ and Leg Strap, measure your real-world actions and help turn them into in-game movements. With additional minigames and customizable workout routines, Ring Fit Adventure is great escape for players of all skill levels and schedules. In Adventure mode, defeat enemies with attacks based on real-world exercises as you traverse more than 100 levels in over 20 worlds. As you work through each level (and possibly work up a sweat), you’ll earn experience points. Between fights, you may encounter some unusual methods of transportation such as squat-powered launch pads. Then, pass around the Ring-Con and leg strap accessories and select from a few minigames: break boxes with gusts of air, craft pottery using squats, and more.

Ring Fit Adventure Trailer

Critic Reviews58

This is, by far, one of the most important games Nintendo has ever created. A game that manages to blend seamlessly between the workout and fitness world and the RPG gaming genre. It's an amazing game, and as one who finished it - it's worth every drop of sweat.
December 8, 2020
Ring Fit Adventure builds on the legacy of Wii Fit in important ways, not only pushing the limits of what a workout game can be but also repositioning its message around fitness in a much healthier and constructive way. Fitness isn't a steady, consistent journey for most people; it's full of tiny improvements and setbacks and obstacles that get in your way, much like one's progress in an RPG. Because of this, Ring Fit Adventure works perfectly both as a concept and in practice. The sheer volume of content along with new abilities, items, and difficulty levels keeps progression interesting through the entire campaign and beyond. With consistently engaging gameplay, gorgeous landscapes, and a relentlessly positive attitude, Ring Fit Adventure has set a new standard for fitness games, and I look forward to another year of growing stronger with it--and eventually beating that absurdly buff dragon.
October 18, 2020
As someone who spent their entire life being extremely athletic and active, I love being back in the swing of things again. I actually look forward to my Ring Fit workout everyday. I feel like people of all fitness levels can hop into this game and benefit from it. When I started this back in January I was as out of shape as it comes, and Ring Fit Adventure eased me back into things at a pace that felt comfortable. The combination of walking, Ring Fit, and elliptical has shredded pounds off of me, and I couldn’t be happier about that!
May 8, 2020

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