Rise & Shine Critic Reviews
28 Total Reviews
16 Positive Reviews(57.1%)
11 Mixed Reviews(39.3%)
1 Negative Reviews(3.6%)
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February 3, 2017
I’m left here taking with me memories of a game that has shone throughout and risen enough to really put itself up there with the highest quality indie titles currently available. I’m utterly thankful that I stuck with the adventures of Rise & Shine, jumping, double jumping and pounding that trigger button right until the very end. Because you see, it delivers moments of magic throughout.
God is a Geek
January 12, 2017
It’s full of blood, violence, puzzles, humour, all set in such a beautifully designed world. Definitely one of the most fun platformers of recent years.
January 12, 2017
Rise & Shine is a unique video game with powerful mechanics and a gorgeous visuals. The game has some problems, but is the first must-have indie game of the year.
January 12, 2017
It’s a special little game that will challenge and impress players with its charming presentation and unforgiving gameplay. It is, however, not a perfect game, although that’s easier to overlook given that this is a studio’s debut effort, and a very good one at that.
January 12, 2017
If you like a good challenge and value quality gameplay over length, which you should, Rise & Shine is a great little title and a great start to the gaming year.
January 12, 2017
Rise & Shine is a very engaging, fun and well-designed game, beautifully crafted and challenging. A title you're going to enjoy a lot if you've been playing games for a few years now.
January 20, 2017
This is a neat take on retro action as served by Contra or Turrican so long ago. Plus: all the easter eggs and references on video games are a blast. Unfortunately it crosses the border between challenging (but doable) and relentless trial & error on too many occasions.
IGN Spain
January 12, 2017
Fun but short action game that also has a great amount of puzzles. Its control is not perfect when played with a controller, but that's almost the only flaw.
January 16, 2017
Rise & Shine feels like a game that tries too hard to be too much, ultimately coming together in a fun package that could have been great. The action is tight and rewarding, the gameplay is varied, and the difficulty is satisfying, if a bit frustrating in some parts. Fans of old-school arcade shooters will find plenty to love here, even if the jokes don’t always hit home.
January 12, 2017
Rise & Shine offers a great visual look with lots of cameos and references to the video gaming world, all coupled with a good and challenging action-platform gameplay. The good action phases get hampered by more repetitive and long puzzle moments or by some frustrating trial and error sequences, though. But when it manages to really shine, it can be a great action game.
January 12, 2017
Rise & Rise is a lovely game. But a very punitive one, too. A lot of players will respond to its attractive visuals and soundtrack . But some of them will probably be a bit frustrated by the whole - not very long though - challenge, with a lot of deaths for sure, they'll be facing. Still a great way to start 2017.
Hardcore Gamer
January 13, 2017
Despite its brevity ultimately doing some notable harm to it, Rise & Shine is still ultimately a solid platformer for the most part, one that has a lot of cute callbacks to classic video games while still having its own unique charm, along with some impressive graphics and nifty ideas sprinkled throughout. The action gets nice and intense, and save for the end, puts up a meaty yet fair challenge. So while it isn’t exactly the greatest at skewering gaming culture while also honoring it, it’s still an overall good game.
January 13, 2017
Rise and Shine is a game that fans of the genre and those looking for a quick experience will enjoy.
January 20, 2017
Rise & Shine isn’t the deepest action-platformer you’ll ever play, but the tongue-in-cheek nods to the gaming industry at large, along with its stunning art style, will push you to the finish line even when the gameplay starts to let you down.
January 22, 2017
Rise and Shine is a fun experience, but its difficulty and short run time detract from the overall package.
Official Xbox Magazine UK
February 22, 2017
A gorgeous, often savage bullet hell that has the power to charm, thrill and fluster all at once.
Gamers' Temple
January 20, 2017
It's a shame that the battles can so often be frustrating in the game, because everything else about it is enjoyable. The hand-drawn artwork is fantastic, the video game references enjoyable, and the story a lot of fun. However, unless you have a high tolerance for frustration it's doubtful that the game's positives will be enough to drive you to play it all the way through.
January 30, 2017
All in all, Rise & Shine isn’t a bad experience. It’s just one that has a lot of wasted potential.
Video Chums
January 17, 2017
Rise & Shine may be an infuriating endeavor but it's also a memorable one full of humour and a fun mix of gameplay elements. That being said, it only appeals to those looking for a hardcore 2D action game that'll thoroughly test their patience.
January 15, 2017
I had a great time playing through Rise & Shine, but sadly, I know I'll never go back to it. I wanted to complete it; I very much so enjoyed the final twist of the story and the end "solution" even more. Enjoying the end, however, doesn't change the fact that the glitches, bad button layout and overly annoying self-awareness, really make it hard to enjoy at times.