
Rogue Heroes: Ruins of Tasos Critic Reviews

19 Total Reviews

16 Positive Reviews(84.2%)
3 Mixed Reviews(15.8%)
0 Negative Reviews(0%)

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NintendoWorldReport May 5, 2021
Rogue Heroes: Ruins of Tasos is a beautiful application of a roguelike system with a 2D dungeon crawler format married perfectly to a town-building system and overworld that invites exploration and grinding gems to uncover more things to do outside of combat. This is a no-brainer for classic Zelda fans or anyone looking for co-op fun, and it’s absolutely been the best gaming experience so far for me in 2021.
TheSixthAxis February 19, 2021
Rogue Heroes: Ruins of Tasos is a fantastic Zelda-inspired, procedurally-generated, action-adventure with one of the most rewarding gameplay loops I’ve seen in some time. It perfectly captures the styles of its inspirations, while carving its own legacy as a standout Roguelike. I honestly enjoyed every second of my time with Rogue Heroes and can’t wait to continue playing in the coming weeks.
Pure Nintendo February 25, 2021
Rogue Heroes: Ruins of Tasos is an adorable yet challenging dungeon crawler designed to play with friends and suitable for any character class. Its world is exciting, its style is lovely and it has a lot going for it that draws you into the adventure.
COGconnected February 24, 2021
If you want a modern take on the classic Zelda formula that includes multiplayer and a health dose of both nostalgia and fresh experiences, I cannot recommend Rogue Heroes enough.
MGG Spain February 19, 2021
Rogue Heroes is a little pleasant surprise. It's love for the games it references and the addictive game loop makes the game so enjoyable.
Nintendo Life February 19, 2021
Rogue Heroes: Ruins of Tasos is a delightful Zelda-inspired roguelite that's chock full of secrets, surprises, and some top-notch dungeon crawling action. There's an excellent central hub area to evolve and expand here, lots of fun little side quests to indulge in and a well-designed overworld that takes full advantage of your hero's ever-growing armoury of weapons, skills and gadgets. There are perhaps a few too many skill trees and upgrade mechanics for our liking and the story is entirely forgettable, but overall this one comes highly recommended for co-op and solo adventurers alike.
The Digital Fix February 19, 2021
While sometimes skirting a bit close to the line between inspiration and clone, Rogue Heroes has a lot to love. If you have a few friends to take dungeon crawling with you, you will laugh together, you will loot together, and you will have to work as a team to succeed. My boys and I got a lot of enjoyment from playing Rogue Heroes, and I think most other players will do too.
Pocket Tactics February 22, 2021
While not the most engrossing single-player game, Ruins of Tasos is a great co-op dungeon-delving setup. Now just to find someone to play with...
GameSpew February 23, 2021
There’s an awful lot to love about Rogue Heroes: Ruins of Tasos, especially for those who were huge fans of SNES-era 2D adventures. It wears its influences proudly, and mixes them up with compelling Rogue-like elements. Sure, a bit more challenge would be nice, but when exploring, solving puzzles and progressing is this much fun, who really cares?
Video Chums February 24, 2021
Rogue Heroes: Ruins of Tasos is simply one of the best roguelikes out there so if you enjoy Zelda-style games, you won't regret it.
Switch Player May 27, 2021
Rogue Heroes: Ruins of Tasos is a game that I didn’t expect to love as much as I did. With an in-depth upgrade system and the perfect mix of adventure and rogue-lite elements, fans of those genres will find themselves at home here.
The Games Machine March 3, 2021
Does the “Zeldalike” genre exist? If it does, Rogue Heroes would be the perfect example: easy to pick up, but deep and complex enough if you try to go for 100% completion, with a top-down perspective view, pixel-art graphics and a story that leads us to travel in a big, hostile open world. While it does not achieve the excellence of its mentor, it stands out for it interesting gameplay choices such as the village management and an open world-oriented approach. To be played on your own digging up one secret after another, or in chaotic runs with up to three friends. Some repetitive sections and a few glitches only partially cloud what is overall a satysfying experience.
Nintenderos March 2, 2021
Rogue Heroes: Ruins of Tasos is a tribute to the Zelda saga with roguelite mechanics and even farming and fishing. It offers extraordinary multiplayer options that will delight classic adventurers looking for something old school on Nintendo Switch.
TheGamer February 13, 2021
Taking all aspects into consideration, I would highly recommend Rogue Heroes: Ruins of Tasos. Despite its lack of engaging plot and characters, the gameplay is outstanding and makes the experience worth it on its own. I did not find myself wishing for a better plot and characters 99% of the time, because I was so caught up in trying to figure out how to make it through or find the next dungeon. Even better, the game can be multiplier, so it has the perfect setup to have a blast trying to get through the dungeons with family or friends.
Starbit May 21, 2021
Rogue Heroes: Ruins of Tasos draws inspiration from some groundbreaking references when it comes to adventure games, and adds to them an extra level of challenge with a roguelite component. But while the simple gameplay, the world development possibilities and the co-op experience are indeed very welcome and well implemented, an overly simplistic plot, a lacklustre protagonist and redundant character development mechanics make this a game of limited appeal outside its narrowest target audience.
KeenGamer July 20, 2022
Although Rogues Heroes is another Zelda-esque dungeon crawler, it sets itself apart with its numerous class options, captivating environments, and addictive gameplay! The game has bugs and glitches, which can be annoying, especially in co-op mode. Nonetheless, it offers an entertaining adventure you won’t want to miss!
God is a Geek February 22, 2021
Rogue Heroes: Ruins of Tasos is fun with friends, but control issues, irritating traps and a lack of fresh ideas make it hard to recommend for solo players.
Universo Nintendo March 5, 2021
A great 2D Dungeon Crawl with a lot of potential but some improvements and corrections are missing. Especially in online mode.
Screen Rant February 23, 2021
Rogue Heroes: Ruins of Tasos really is a blast to play both alone and with friends. The world is exciting to explore, and players never know what is going to be tucked away in some random corner for them to discover. Sadly, in its current state there are so many issues that manage to bring the whole experience down very quickly. Rogue Heroes: Ruins of Tasos needs to have many of its problems fixed before it will be accessible to the greater video game community.