September 7, 2010


Based on 45 Reviews
Release date
September 7, 2010
Single-player, Multiplayer


R.U.S.E. is a real-time strategy game that allows players to bluff their enemies to lead their nation to victory, controlling the action using views that range seamlessly from the heart of the battlefield to the full theatre of war. Players are plunged into the action thanks to the exclusive IRISZOOM Engine which offers an intuitive interface that allows for smooth, rapid transitions from a birds-eye view of the entire conflict, down into the heat of the battle and vice versa. In R.U.S.E., players use their brain as the ultimate weapon, fighting a war of perception, where the ability to deceive and mislead the enemy determines success. A first in a strategy game, R.U.S.E. promises to reinvigorate the genre by using deception to give new-found depth to the game play. [Ubisoft]

R.U.S.E. Trailer

R.U.S.E. Screenshots46

Critic Reviews45

If you've enjoyed a RTS in the past, or loved the idea of a RTS, but not the complications, then R.U.S.E. is an excellent alternative to the normal WWII strategy game.
May 16, 2024
Playing against other people online, you'll have a decent time, but solo players will miss out entirely on the sense of satisfaction that comes from outwitting another person.
May 16, 2024
The solo mode is, in practice, a long tutorial, one that's slow to introduce new concepts and-in a baffling move, given the game's all-caps title-takes forever to unveil the full complement of all-important "Ruses."
May 16, 2024

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