March 17, 2005

RYL: Path of the Emperor

RYL: Path of the Emperor
Based on 21 Reviews
Release date
March 17, 2005


RYL: Path of the Emperor is a persistent universe or role-playing game (RPG). RYL players start off at Level 1, with minimal skills and abilities, but over time they gain experience points, through achievement, which allows them to advance to Level 2, and beyond. As RYL players advance to each level they discover new and stronger skills, which assist them in their ability to try and survive during all encompassing battles against powerful monsters. In the game, players can choose from 20 character classes and assume the role of a Warrior, Cleric, Mage, and Assassin and then explore the many exotic locations within boundless miles of terrain and virtual real estate. In RYL: Path of the Emperor players meet other players in a diverse real time environment where thousands of players simultaneously compete and take part in specific quests and missions, fight monsters and other players, battle in Guild vs. Guild duels, buy, sell and trade virtual merchandise, build fortresses and even raise their own virtual Dragon. Lastly, RYL players have the chance to receive the ultimate gaming reward; to become the actual Emperor of RYL, Rule over the Land and win $1,000,000. [Planetwide Games]

RYL: Path of the Emperor Trailer

RYL: Path of the Emperor Screenshots43

Critic Reviews21

The excessive amount of painful level grinding required to get anywhere in this game will bore most gamers to tears.
May 11, 2024
Risk Your Life may be right for you, but if you have a low frustration threshold you might want to look elsewhere. The initial learning curve is steep.
May 11, 2024
Anyone looking for something a little different from the average MMO, and most especially anyone holding onto that last thread before reinstalling "Diablo II" should do themselves the favor of checking out RYL. It has its share of graphical and server issues, but it includes the most important element of the game formula: fun.
May 11, 2024

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