
Sacred Citadel Critic Reviews

24 Total Reviews

7 Positive Reviews(29.2%)
17 Mixed Reviews(70.8%)
0 Negative Reviews(0%)

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Gaming Age May 6, 2013
It's a good solo game, but I strongly suggest plaything with friends for a richer experience.
Game Over Online April 18, 2013
Sacred Citadel offers up a lot of fun for beat-em-up fans, with a surprisingly high amount of depth in its gameplay making replaying stages with each character type something you’ll come to enjoy instead of dread like it many other beat-em-ups.
Game Revolution April 19, 2013
If you're in the mood for a solid 2D brawler that will keep you and your friends entertained for hours on end, I strongly recommend you give this game a look. Sacred Citadel takes the genre in an exciting direction forward, proving that older genres still have a place in the industry. Seriously, check this one out. You won't be disappointed.
Gaming Nexus May 31, 2013
There is a lot to love with Sacred Citadel, but I can’t help but think it could have been much more.
GamesRadar+ April 23, 2013
Sacred Citadel’s obvious finale will leave you wondering why it shipped with a half-baked story. Thankfully, the enjoyable combat steals the spotlight, though it doesn’t come away unblemished.
NowGamer April 30, 2013
It's feisty, fun and co-op friendly, so as pick-and-play brawlers go, there's little to complain about with Sacred Citadel. Make the trek on your own, however, and it's a slightly different story owing to a rinse-and-repeat sameness that's harder to deny when it's just you eyeballing the same old swarms of enemies over and over again.
GameFocus May 13, 2013
Fans may struggle with the genre shift, but Sacred Citadel is exactly what it set out to be: A pick-up-and-play side-scroller where button-mashing trumps anything resembling narrative depth.
InsideGamer.nl May 5, 2013
Sacred Citadel is a sound beat 'm up with RPG elements. The game looks a lot like Castle Crashers but offers just a little bit more moves and variation with different playable classes. It's just a shame that your character will get overpowered later on, and the game loses all of its challenge.
I can’t help but think, though, that Sacred Citadel would have failed to maintain my interest had it not managed to induce such strong Golden Axe nostalgia.
MondoXbox April 24, 2013
A classical beat-em up to enjoy some time alone or with friends. Too bad for the weak and inadequately developed story, something that could have been the true value of the game.
Official Xbox Magazine April 26, 2013
The visuals and consciously retro soundtrack show a sense of style, but Sacred Citadel lacks the heart that defines the greatest brawlers. Use it to scratch an itch if you must, but if you’re new to action-RPGs, XBLA games like Castle Crashers and Guardian Heroes will prove far more rewarding.
Impulsegamer April 28, 2013
Graphically it's a good looking title and the gameplay is sturdy, although does become repetitive. To fully immerse yourself into this experience, you really need to play with others.
XGN June 9, 2013
There are a lot of things just not good enough in Sacred Citadel. The humor is terrible, and the enemies lack variety. But if you are planning a game night with some friends, there is still some fun to be had with this game. Plug some extra controllers in, switch your brain of and start mashing buttons.
3DJuegos April 22, 2013
An enjoyable but, at the same time, short and a bit repetitive brawler experience with a solid co-op feature.
Console Monster May 28, 2013
It is a shame as the game has potential that wasn't really delivered upon.
Gamereactor Sweden June 10, 2013
Sacred Citadel offers decent entertainment for a few hours, especially with some retro loving friends as company. But this really isn't a game that lasts, unfortunately.
Colourful but uninspired.
IGN April 30, 2013
A dispirited attempt at marrying the best of old-school brawlers like Streets of Rage with the obsession-inducing trappings of an action-RPG, Sacred Citadel had the potential to be so much more than it is.
COGconnected April 30, 2013
Sacred Citadel is a throwback to the glory days of arcades and side scrolling brawlers, but sadly doesn’t really capture the magic of genre classics. It’s technically competent, but suffers from repetition and a general lack of diversity and uniqueness.
GamingTrend May 16, 2013
The folks who worked on it were certainly heading in the right direction – Sacred Citadel just doesn’t have enough polish or pull to really keep you coming back for more – an experience I’d rather had not given my bag of quarters up for.