Scarlet Nexus Critic Reviews
71 Total Reviews
67 Positive Reviews(94.4%)
1 Mixed Reviews(1.4%)
0 Negative Reviews(0%)
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Digitally Downloaded
June 23, 2021
Scarlet Nexus is one of the most interesting new JRPGs that we’ve seen in a while from a big publisher. Combining a beautifully elegant, but also visceral combat system with rich and evocative theme, and hugely entertaining characters, this game is available on the previous generation, I know, bit in design and execution it’s very much the perfect new-generation experience.
God is a Geek
June 23, 2021
Scarlet Nexus has phenomenal combat that stands tall above many other ARPGs, with a deep story and some gorgeous visuals.
June 23, 2021
Scarlet Nexus turned out to be a lovely combination of quick gameplay and an intriguing story of betrayal, conflict on a large scale full of plot twists and surprises. The interactions between the team members contribute to both story and diverse gameplay. The side-missions however don't add anything and could've been removed completely.
June 23, 2021
Scarlet Nexus is slick, stylish, smartly executed, and just all-around cool. What I want most of all, having wrapped up Scarlet Nexus, is more.
IGN France
June 23, 2021
A great launch for a new IP from Bandai Namco. Scarlet Nexus looks good, provides a great story, and the gameplay is even better. Definitively a success.
PlayStation LifeStyle
June 23, 2021
I'm truly appreciative of the storytelling. Japanese sci-fi has long been a genre I enjoy. Last year players were spoiled with 13 Sentinels, and Scarlet Nexus has delivered another wonderfully woven narrative worth playing. Do not sleep on this game.
June 23, 2021
A deep combat system, great use of the DualSense in its version for PS5, complex narrative full of great moments and memorable characters, art direction that enchants and music that falls in love, are just some of the great virtues that one can find in it. Scarlet Nexus universe. Of course there are marked defects and everything, but it is undoubted that his successes far outweigh his mistakes. This new team at Bandai Namco Studios has earned significant respect, which I hope they can build on very soon with a sequel. Needless to say, if you are a fan of action games with RPG elements, this new proposal is one that you cannot miss.
Digital Trends
June 23, 2021
Scarlet Nexus is a must-play for any fan of Japanese action RPGs and standard JRPGs. If the story doesn’t grab your attention, the combat will. It has enough meat to its action to distract from its very minor blemishes. Its characters are a delight to interact with and seeing them grow together really had me fully invested in all of their arcs. I left the experience craving another title like it that takes its excellent action even further.
June 24, 2021
Scarlet Nexus reminds me a little of The Caligula Effect, in a way. Not in theme or style, but in tone, in energy, and the way it uses the JRPG format to go down some fascinating, thought-provoking paths. But where such games are not unusual from smaller developers, it’s a rare joy to see a publisher like Bandai Namco take the same risks, and to see those experimental ideas get the budget they need to truly shine. In a world where the “punk” suffix is often just a shallow aesthetic choice, Scarlet Nexus truly lives up to its “brainpunk” vision.
June 25, 2021
The anime aesthetic may be a turn off for some players, but those people would be doing themselves a disservice. Scarlet Nexus is a game worth experiencing. It's a game that took me by total surprise and a world I hope to explore more in the future.
Finger Guns
July 5, 2021
A triumphant new IP from Bandai Namco, Scarlet Nexus is probably the best RPG of the year so far. Its compellingly dark story will keep you guessing through two necessary playthroughs, while its engaging psychokinetic combat is in a class of its own, albeit with exceptionally streamlined progression. Throwing your toys around has never been so much fun.
June 24, 2021
Scarlet Nexus shines for a simple but very complete and fun battle system, as well as having an organic concept that convinces. Its slow pace of the narrative and lack of exploration make the experience somewhat tiresome, however its well-developed story will keep you tuned until the end.
GamePro Germany
June 23, 2021
Great mix of Tales and Persona with refreshing, fun fights but far too linear social interaction.
Hobby Consolas
June 23, 2021
With a great story full of plot twists and a robust, varied and spectacular combat system, Scarlet Nexus is one of the best "anime style" video games Bandai Namco has ever made. If you like the genre or this kind fo stories, give it a chance.
Launcher (The Washington Post)
June 23, 2021
For anime lovers and anyone who enjoyed “Fire Emblem: Three Houses,” the game will be a hit.
June 27, 2021
Even with some technical issues that the game is suffering from, Scarlet Nexus is still great and entertaining, and it can become one of the best JRPG/Hack 'n' Slash games if it can reach its true potential.
Digital Chumps
July 7, 2021
Scarlet Nexus is one of the better action RPGs to hit this current generation of consoles. It’s a gorgeous game with a complicated backend that makes you want to keep playing. The side-quests might be forgettable, but it certainly has a lot more to offer with its main story.
July 19, 2021
Scarlet Nexus does a lot of things right, but it fails to offer a cohesive gameplay experience. I think it would be best described as a visual novel with action-RPG elements rather than vice-versa. While the story is compelling enough to keep you going until the end, the game is full of bloat that needs to be cut. Despite its shortcomings, Scarlet Nexus is one of the better action RPG titles coming from Bandai Namco. I just wish it would have more respect for the player's time, and do away with all the uninteresting fluff that doesn't tie in the story.
August 5, 2021
An interesting story with well-developed characters and expert enemy design, that - however - does take a while to really get going. On top of that, not every sidequest is worth your attention. Don't let that stop you, though. Scarlet Nexus is a great game.
June 23, 2021
Scarlet Nexus marries varied and unique action RPG combat to two extended campaigns featuring engaging protagonists and a cast of memorable supporting players. Using its brain punk conceit to power a range of extended combat techniques, Scarlet Nexus is at its best in the thick of the fight, when the player can mix and match melee weapons, telekinetic beatdowns, and whatever talents the team on hand has to share.