March 3, 2006

Seawolves: Submarines on Hunt

Seawolves: Submarines on Hunt
Based on 1 Reviews
Release date
March 3, 2006


From hunter to easy prey: Get on board and become "Kapitän" of a german submarine and take part in the challenging sea-battles of WW II from 1939 to 1945! But be warned: there is danger ahead! You will be taken to your limits! Keep an eye on your crew and your boat while attacking allied convois. As realistic and exciting as it can be. New campaign script, new missions, new sounds and graphics. Fixes to DD hydrophones. Roughly sixty new cities, including ports and industry. Naval and airbase locations in Europe, North America, Britain and the Pacific region. New objects including ships, search lights, bunkers, minefields and air defenses. Enhancements to sub interior and exterior. Stationary ships in harbors and harbor patrols. Historical activity such as Dunkirk, Dieppe and D-Day. New radio messages. Escorts out of hazardous harbors. Maps showing French harbors and the PTO grid. 22 single missions and four multiplayer missions. Tutorial for Fire a Spread and Attacking a Convoy. [GMX Media]

Seawolves: Submarines on Hunt Trailer

Seawolves: Submarines on Hunt Screenshots27

Critic Reviews1

Once installed, the Seawolves mod bundle will certainly improve your "SH3" experience, but if you have a broadband conncetion, you're much better off with the vastly superior Grey Wolves supermod from Subsim.com. It outperforms Seawolves on every measurable level and it won't cost you a dime.
May 11, 2024

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