
Second Sight Critic Reviews

48 Total Reviews

42 Positive Reviews(87.5%)
6 Mixed Reviews(12.5%)
0 Negative Reviews(0%)

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Play Magazine May 7, 2024
Fantastic little touches abound, adding up to a firmly cohesive, engagingly structured, marvelously imagined setting to explore.
IncGamers May 7, 2024
The different styles employed within the game: stealth, shooting, psychic abilities means this will be enjoyed by many different gamers, whether they love their Timesplitters, their Tomb Raiders or their Metal Gear Solids.
AceGamez May 7, 2024
It's like going to your favourite band's concert, seeing them live and coming out gob-smacked - you know that you've enjoyed it and you loved every minute of it but you're stuck for words on how to convey the experience.
GameBiz May 7, 2024
Some parts of the game have you on the edge of your seat with your heart racing as you can really feel for Vattic when attempting to be stealthy and sneak through an area.
GameZone May 7, 2024
The game has a lot of cutscenes and load times interrupt the flow, but the story is intriguing enough to pull players through those moments.
TotalPlayStation May 7, 2024
Forced stealth quibbles and slightly iffy physics aside, Second Sight's offering of a decently complex story (or as complex as you're going to get for an 8-10 hour action game) with a couple of twists and a silky smooth, high-budget presentation is one of the best Free Radical has pulled off to date.
Warcry May 7, 2024
It's just fun, in an admittedly creepy way, to telepathically grab guys by the throat and slam them into walls and ceilings!
Game Informer May 7, 2024
Even with some unpolished technical aspects, the way the story unfolds is innovative and engaging, and the number of ways around every problem is impressive.
RealGamer May 7, 2024
No game, however has managed to bond together two completely different games into one storyline and actually make it work. Second Sight is an exception.
IC-Games May 7, 2024
My biggest gripe with the game is that the 17 levels aren’t very long. You can whip through them pretty quickly and even though you can move between them once completed, trying to better your comprehensive stats, who really wants to once you know the story?... very much worth your attention.
Next Level Gaming May 7, 2024
The storyline is everything you'd expect from a game by Free Radical, as is the look. The gameplay is also very solid, although one of these days someone is going to have to learn how to make some really good enemy AI.
Game Over Online May 7, 2024
While its engine handles combat well enough, the targeting crosshair was not made for human eyes. It'll lock onto somebody's chest effectively enough, but it's got a sense of humor. You'll often aim at a crate or barrel when you really want to be aiming at the chest of the guy who just stormed into the room.
PGNx Media May 7, 2024
While the game does many things well, it doesn’t do anything particularly remarkable.
GamingTrend May 7, 2024
A little more polish and gameplay balance could have made Second Sight a classic gaming experience. This really is too bad since it contains a story that puts Psi-Ops to shame.
Armchair Empire May 7, 2024
Despite some unpolished spots, Second Sight is easily one of the best balances of stealth and action, combined with a nifty gimmick and an excellent plot.
If you're looking for a finely crafted, thought-provoking story to go with your psychic phenomena, look no further than Second Sight.
GameSpy May 7, 2024
Though it's a bit rough around the edges, Second Sight packs a huge core of ideas into what could have been a standard shooter. Powerful psionics, extensive gun combat, and a great story are all just part of the plan.
RewiredMind May 7, 2024
An example of narrative dictating game, uncovering a decent mix of game styles along the way. The developers should be commended - they've listened to their fans, grown as a team and created a game that stealth action fans will lap up.
Our hero is usually equipped with a sniper rifle, complete with a brilliant targeting scope.
3DAvenue May 7, 2024
An excellent way to chew up some time with a rewarding feel each time a puzzle is solved.