Shadow Warrior 3 Critic Reviews
61 Total Reviews
44 Positive Reviews(72.1%)
15 Mixed Reviews(24.6%)
0 Negative Reviews(0%)
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February 28, 2022
Shadow Warrior 3 is an unbridled good time with great fights and even greater one-liners. Add in some character and weapon upgrades with a great store and that is a recipe for success in my book. With the exception of the controller issues everything else in this game comes highly recommended by myself.
February 28, 2022
Lo Wang’s return to glory is truly spectacular despite the fact that Shadow Warrior 3 is a shorter and simpler game than its predecessors. It’s lightning fast, brutal, funny and straightforward – the ultimate antidote for the never-ending open world craze.
Checkpoint Gaming
February 28, 2022
Shadow Warrior 3 is an excellent FPS that fans of retro-style arena shooters are sure to have a blast with. Lo Wang's quips might not land with everyone, and fans of the previous game's RPG mechanics might resent the stripping down to basics with the gameplay, but Shadow Warrior 3's efficiency is its greatest strength. By ramping up the over-the-top action with new traversal abilities and Gore Tools, Shadow Warrior 3 is the series' most enjoyable instalment yet, and a strong recommend for shooter fans.
February 28, 2022
Shadow Warrior 3 left me wanting more on the account of the relatively short campaign being the entirety of the experience. But there’s something to be said about that. A repetitive shooter that structurally doesn’t change over the course of several hours yet doesn’t grow old or feel tired. A gem of a first-person shooter, an interactive rollercoaster, and one hell of a good time. So much so it’ll have you lining up to go again.
February 28, 2022
Despite technical difficulties and a lack of Stan Bush, Shadow Warrior 3 still captures the silliness that’s become a trademark of the series.
March 2, 2022
Shadow Warrior 3 could be considered as one of the best action games of the year. However, the world will probably forget about it during the coming months, just as it forgot The Medium by December of 2021. It's a short but sweet, and really fun game.
Gaming Nexus
March 17, 2022
Shadow Warrior 3 is absolute fun. It's easy to pick up, and something you definitely want to invest some hours into. This is the most fun I've had playing a game in a long time, and you will not be disappointed. There are a few hiccups and glitches I'm sure will be patched out but I digress. The visuals, the combat, and the characters make this game an absolute blast to look at and play. I have nothing bad to say about it, only because Lo Wang is crazy, and would probably make his way to me! Now, go slay that freakin' dragon!
Hey Poor Player
February 28, 2022
If you sometimes get tired of plodding, greyish-brownish-greenish pseudo-realistic military shooters, this is the antidote. Dazzlingly colourful, unrelentingly fast-paced, unrepentantly zany and bursting with potential for player creativity, Shadow Warrior 3 is absolutely joyous to play from start to finish. So after 25 years, do I STILL want some Wang? You’re damn right I do!
Noisy Pixel
February 28, 2022
Shadow Warrior 3 has one goal in mind, providing players with an enjoyable and intense experience of slashing and shooting through hordes of enemies. Admittedly, the scope does become a bit too narrow-minded at times, as you sacrifice the potential for solid storytelling, pacing, and novelty. Nevertheless, I can’t deny just how fun it was to brutalize the waves of monsters and become the biggest dick I could ever be.
Screen Rant
February 28, 2022
Shadow Warrior 3 is around 8-10 hours in length, but there is never a dull moment throughout its run. The acrobatic sections have their frustrating moments, but the combat is top-notch, and slicing through hordes of enemies and switching tactics on the fly in the face of a new foe never grows old. Lo Wang's constant commentary and quips might make him feel like Jerry Seinfeld with a katana, but there's no denying that this adventure is an awesome throwback to the blood-drenched shooters of old.
Hardcore Gamer
February 28, 2022
For some, what you make of Shadow Warrior 3 may well be influenced by the comparisons one draws from the prior 2016 entrant. While all parties will unilaterally agree Flying Wild Hog’s third outing in the series feels more stripped back and “to the point” than its predecessors — least on the surface — feelings thereafter will no doubt be split. Some will deduce this year’s offering lacks what made 2016’s title a novel but compelling shooter to play in repeated session. For others, myself included, that notion of being stripped back by no means signals a negative. But few will disagree that developer Flying Wild Hog have gone about this in as unapologetic and as indulgently-confident a manner as one can get. That attitude may only get you so far in admiration, so it’s thanks to a mixture of smart strategic additions to its combat formula, as well as a welcome care to its artistic design, where the series’ third entrant will garner a majority favor. It may not be reinventing the wheel in any drastic means, but Shadow Warrior 3‘s warranted excess and lovably chaotic flow is one you’ll easily get lost in and perhaps never want to get out of.
Eurogamer Italy
February 28, 2022
Shadow Warrior 3 is a hilarious, violent shooter with a keen sense of humor. The gameplay is very similar to that of Doom Eternal but this cannot be considered as a flaw. Technically it is a bit backward and for some it may be too linear but it is still an experience that we recommend you try.
Worth Playing
February 28, 2022
Shadow Warrior 3 is a fun shooter that falls short of greatness. The combat is fast and frantic, and it is intense enough that I found myself getting lost in it. The short length, lack of variety, and inevitable comparisons to Doom Eternal don't do it any favors. I am glad that I played Shadow Warrior 3, and I imagine a lot of folks will feel the same way. It might be best to wait for a price drop, as $50 is slightly hefty for the amount of content you get.
February 28, 2022
Shadow Warrior 3 isn’t a very big game. It doesn’t really innovate, either, or let you breathe. But on the flipside of that, it’s focused, and doesn’t waste any of your time. You’re ushered from one combat encounter to another with a big smile on your face, the action never letting up, all the while bombarded with witty dialogue and visual gags that will genuinely make you chuckle. So, if that sounds like your idea of fun, jump right in. You won’t be disappointed.
Game World Navigator Magazine
October 19, 2022
Lo Wang is a child of another age, when shooters were lightning-paced and enemies had no qualms about hitting you from behind or covering the entire area with projectiles. So, it will be difficult for him to gain popularity among the crowd raised on slow-paced cover-based shooters, but hey – Wang never backs down from a challenge.
LEVEL (Czech Republic)
January 30, 2024
It's nice to switch off and enjoy the joy of movement, spoiled by a few poorly placed checkpoints. It's nice to slaughter hordes of demons in generic arenas with a small arsenal of weapons. It's nice to occasionally save a world that you yourself have thrown into terrible trouble. We all have a little Lo Wang in us.
February 28, 2022
Shadow Warrior 3 isn't the next "big" FPS we might have been expecting, but it's a quality work from a team that knows how to deliver a good shooter to its audience. Fans of the genre shouldn't miss it, and for those looking for a strong action-packed "dose", the game is a worthwhile proposition.
God is a Geek
February 28, 2022
Shadow Warrior 3 takes the franchise back to basics in terms of structure while adding new mechanics and weapons to keep it fresh.
Player 2
February 28, 2022
Despite playing it safe too often and the game time running a little short, Shadow Warrior 3 is sure to satisfy those looking for a gory piece of ‘80s inspired action.
February 28, 2022
Whether you are a returning Shadow Warrior fan or a new one, Shadow Warrior 3 is bound to delight all high-octane shooter fans. Its minor shortcomings are rapidly overcome through the simple act of being gloriously fun.