Shadows of the Damned Critic Reviews
76 Total Reviews
65 Positive Reviews(85.5%)
11 Mixed Reviews(14.5%)
0 Negative Reviews(0%)
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Game Informer
June 20, 2011
Shadows of the Damned is unapologetically adolescent, but instead of trying to be cutely ironic and wink at players, the humor comes off as genuine, playful, and fun. Even if you don't find the idea of a sniper rifle called "the Big Boner" funny, you should still enjoy the solidly designed shooting and bit of thought required to play the game. Grasshopper has finally come into its own, and I hope it carries this momentum (and Mikami) forward to whatever project is next.
June 21, 2011
Its freshness shows just how stale a lot of the industry is and it's what's needed in an era of grey, modern shooters.
July 5, 2011
Suda's crazy story actually works, and the jokes are downright funny at times.
The A.V. Club
June 26, 2011
Suda 51's warped, pop-culture-obsessed vision and Mikami's sure-fire action make a heck of a match.
June 27, 2011
In a world where darkness reigns and the street are engulfed with blood it needs a tough guy like Garcia Hotspur to survive and rescue his loved one. Shadows of the damned is an amazing survival-horror-game with an unique atmosphere and an amazing gameplay. Though the levels are a bit linear the strange and dark scenery make the game a must have, not just for horror fans. Not to forget about Johnson, your loyal companion, who guides you through the underworld, always having a good joke on his lips, ensuring a lot of funny moments.
Cheat Code Central
June 21, 2011
I guarantee you won't know what's going to happen until it has, and more often than not the results are hilarious. If you want to experience a game that's different from everything that's come before it, Shadows of the Damned is for you. It's a tasty concoction of horror, humor, gore, and naughty bits that's guaranteed to make you laugh, scream, and beg for more.
June 25, 2011
Combining childish humor with bloody demon murder, Shadows of the Damned pays off on the promise of the creative team of developers involved. It may momentarily waver, but SotD has some of the finest grindhouse fun of the summer.
Eurogamer Portugal
June 27, 2011
In an industry where many complain about lack of innovation, Shadows of the Damned is a breath of fresh air. It is an amazing mixture of sensations and provides unimaginable fun.
July 7, 2011
Shadows of the Damned is one of the best games of the year, and I never expected to say that. The only fault I can think of is that it's probably a bit too easy.
Games Master UK
July 8, 2011
Buy this and wonder why more horror-themed games aren't this smart, different and funny.
Gamer's Hell
July 11, 2011
Like the grindhouse films it draws inspiration from, Shadows of the Damned might not be for everyone. It's mature sexual content (and immature sexual humor) that's woven together with gore-splattered gameplay set to a unique and refreshing sense of style. Nonetheless, it's an enjoyable experience that never flags.
August 8, 2011
The pairing of Suda 51's unhinged creativity with Shinji Mikami's sense for distinguished mechanics is enough to make Shadows of the Damned a compelling release in its own right.
Game Chronicles
July 5, 2011
Frustrating at times, but totally original and completely hilarious throughout, Shadows of the Damned is one of the cleverest, naughtiest, most brilliantly constructed games I've played this year.
June 21, 2011
This crackbrained horror romp takes camp to a new extreme and wants you, the player, to have nothing but fun the entire time. For those in the right frame of mind and a willingness to forgive, that fun will be easy to discover and enjoyed by the bucketful.
June 21, 2011
Shadows of the Damned balances strong gameplay with artistic delights to create a mesmerizing experience.
June 23, 2011
Crude humour, intricate design and a genuine sense of uniqueness make Shadows of the Damned one of the finest games 2011 has served up thus fa
Extreme Gamer
July 11, 2011
Shadows of the Damned is a primordially charged adventure into hell with sexuality and violence turned up to 10. Pleasantly disturbing, humorously shockingly and never boring, gamers with an acceptance for the weird will want to have this game in their collection.
Game Revolution
June 27, 2011
If you've got any interest in this kind of insanity, you owe it to yourself to check it out. Oh, and leave the drugs and alcohol behind-the game is trippy enough already.
Da Gameboyz
June 24, 2011
Shadows of the Damned is definitely not a game for all those out there, but I do have to say that Grasshopper Manufacture has crafted an original experience that was worth my time to play.
June 28, 2011
A guilty pleasure worth telling your friends about...provided its their kind of game, obviously.