Sherlock Holmes: The Devil's Daughter Critic Reviews
28 Total Reviews
18 Positive Reviews(64.3%)
10 Mixed Reviews(35.7%)
0 Negative Reviews(0%)
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July 31, 2016
Even better than Frogwares’ previous attempts at creating an accurate representation of the character and sleuthing of Sherlock Holmes, therefore elevating it to being the best videogame adaptation of the character and story thus far.
Video Chums
January 17, 2017
The investigations themselves are great examples of story-telling.
Hobby Consolas
June 19, 2016
The best game of the series of Sherlock Holmes with unexpected twists and an exciting plot. The game defines perfectly the personality of Holmes. An adventure full of exploration, puzzles and some touches of action.
PlayStation Universe
June 7, 2016
All the same, the fact remains that sleuthing about Victorian London has never been as entertaining as this.
June 27, 2016
The episodic concept worked well already in Crimes & Punishments and serves its purpose here as well. Even with the low difficulty level spending the time with the sleuth was worthwhile.
June 14, 2016
The Devil's Daughter is one of the best adventures of Sherlock so far. It's very well design, fun and enjoyable, and one of the most diverse in the series.
June 19, 2016
Sherlock Holmes-The Devil’s Daughter is born from below, affected by a quite limited financial investment, which can be seen through its weak technical part. Yet, it has tried to remedy to this lack by offering an excellent gaming variety, with a less linear and more compelling progress. It is a small but necessary step forward for this franchise.
June 14, 2016
The Devil’s Daughter pushes deeper the boundaries of crime investigations, however it’s not supported by an appropriate main narrative context. The low quality of action sequences also creates some problems like poor interactions and overblown loading times.
June 21, 2016
Sherlock Holmes: The Devil’s Daughter is a great graphic adventure that features some mystery elements. This combination achieves its purpose and gives us an amazing game.
June 10, 2016
With a few adjustments and improvements, the Sherlock Holmes formula could become the standard for adventure games of the future, as achieving such gameplay variety is no small feat. Highly recommended to fans of the series and adventure games' fans.
Push Square
June 7, 2016
Devil's Daughter focuses more on story, with a larger plot taking over from the case work in satisfying ways. Some extended sequences of button mashing can become tiresome and the moral choice system doesn't add anything substantial, but the overall experience is great fun.
June 7, 2016
A decent adventure game with lots of ropey bits. Just like the last one, and the one before it.
June 24, 2016
There's a new big case to solve in Baker Street, with so many puzzles but a lot of boring action sequences. A missed opportunity to create the best Sherlock Holmes game, despite the open world feature.
Brash Games
June 28, 2016
Although the game’s engine could be tweaked to run smoother and maybe it will in the future, a lot of the time the graphics aren’t what make a game. It’s the storyline and how much you are enjoying the experience are the real reason this game will score higher for me.
June 30, 2016
It's still far from perfect - clumsy controls, long loading times and disappointing minigames see to that - but Sherlock Holmes' newest videogame adventure is still a lot of fun, mainly due to the interesting cases that keep taking things in unexpected directions.
Playstation Official Magazine UK
July 17, 2016
Frogwares doubles down on the interactive mystery format of the last game with a more lavish outing featuring newly charming leads. The story's tremendously entertaining.
July 19, 2016
All the same, this is by far the best of the franchise so far and if you’ve ever considered giving one of the Sherlock Holmes games a go there’s been no better option to start with.
Playstation Official Magazine Australia
August 24, 2016
The story is such fun, and its world rendered with such affection for the source material (and for Victoriana, in general), that you can’t help but be swept up in the mystery.
IGN Denmark
June 27, 2016
Does not really bring anything new to the formula compared to the game released in 2014, which means you basically play the same game just with a different story and other puzzles.
Games Master UK
August 21, 2016
A mixed bag of brilliant deduction and tedious puzzling. A disappointing misstep for the series.