March 15, 2011
Total War: Shogun 2

Based on 62 Reviews
Shogun 2 is the ultimate refinement of the original formula with a new, cutting-edge AI, more polish and online functionality than ever before. The result is the perfect mix of real-time and turn-based strategy gaming that invites both veterans of Total War and new players to experience the enjoyment and depth of the series.
Total War: Shogun 2 Trailer
Total War: Shogun 2 Screenshots48
Total War Series Games41
Critic Reviews62
There is a je ne sais quoi elegance on how the game is presented and how well put together the game as an entire corpus is. Although it's still mired by some version 1.0 bugs, Shogun is highly playable and deserves a place on any Total War fan's hard drive.
July 14, 2011
Beautiful, complex and varied historical strategy which offers hours of fun in single player and multiplayer modes.
May 22, 2011
The mix of turn based strategy (with economical, political and diplomatic ramifications) and real time battles is still wonderful, but the need to balance timing and aggression is more important than ever. Aggressive players will feel a little cheated, while diplomats will hate Realm Divide stage. Still, Total War was always about realism and the AI's scripted actions make logical and historical sense.
May 1, 2011
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