
Silent Hill 3 Critic Reviews

41 Total Reviews

39 Positive Reviews(95.1%)
2 Mixed Reviews(4.9%)
0 Negative Reviews(0%)

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Playboy May 4, 2024
Grainy video filters, swirling cameras and intense action put it severed head and shoulders above the rest of the horror-game competition - the best installment yet of a great series.
Into Liquid Sky May 4, 2024
Adds a new level of terror to the Silent Hill franchise. It has the same great atmosphere and tension from the first two games all while adding tons more enemies and more tension because of it.
G4 TV May 4, 2024
All hype and scare-the-girlfriend jokes aside, Silent Hill 3 is a truly disturbing, frightening, and bloody experience (more or less in that order). This is the current high-mark of scary games, period, with production values that put most contemporary horror-flicks to shame.
netjak May 4, 2024
An audio experience that shouldn’t be passed up, especially if you are a fan of the series or survival horror in general. It is a shame the controls are difficult and the game is so short, or all would have been wonderful.
IGN May 4, 2024
Silent Hill 3 still freaks me out, sucks me in and makes me awfully frightened to play this game in the dark by myself. And isn't that what's it's all about?
GameReviewer May 4, 2024
The single, most atmospheric survival horror game around. It goes so far beyond the greatness achieved in the 2nd installment that one must wonder, where will it all go from here?
GameShark May 4, 2024
It gives you lots of reasons to pick it up again and again, chief among them being the extremely well-realized story and the amazing atmosphere of dread. Silent Hill 3 is a tense, powerful game.
GameNow May 4, 2024
It's an interactive nightmare, complete with off-kilter logic and unnerving imagery, both of which are bound to stay with you for weeks.
Gamezilla! May 4, 2024
A solid addition to the series. The thrills are definitely here, and they're more disturbing than ever, but it sticks to the traditional survival horror mold — a likely turn-off for those looking for something new.
GamingWorld X May 4, 2024
A definite improvement over Silent Hill 2 in almost every way (except length), SH3 is probably one of the best survival horror games available right now. While the length affects things other than the replay value, the unlockable extras do their part to extend the game’s longevity.
eToychest May 4, 2024
This game also has quite a bit of replay ability to, with 3 different endings to see, and additional scenes to be seen on replay. My only qualm with this game is that it’s too short, at only 5 hours on your first play through and maybe half that each additional time.
Have you ever walked out of a particularly good horror flick only to discover that your muslces ache because you've been tensing them up in anticipation of the next terrifying event? Silent Hill 3 is like that.
Yahoo! May 4, 2024
While it's not any kind of gameplay revolution, it's the best, most polished and creepiest of the series.
GamePro May 4, 2024
For all its similarity to Silent Hill 2, the third installment still manages to set itself apart with more variety, slightly improved combat, more logical puzzles, a different enough story, and even better visuals in their own grainy nonconformist way.
Eurogamer May 4, 2024
While it arguably does little in term of innovation, it has some classic puzzles, far more satisfying combat elements than ever before, some truly horrifying sections, fantastic visuals, gruesome audio and a quality storyline that kicks most of the embarrassing competition out of sight.
Wet-the-bed scary survival horror. We dare you to play it.
Scary, and I'm talkinng freaked-the-f***-out-at-3 a.m. scary. I mean it - afer an inexplicably horrific run-in with a blood-spewing bathtub at Brookhaven Hospital, sleep was out of the question for me.
Games Radar May 4, 2024
Somewhere between the solid first few hours and the game's thrilling conclusion, Silent Hill 3 transforms from a humdrum sequel into a knuckle-searing digital nightmare.
Gaming Target May 4, 2024
Laden with a few differences here and there, no horror fan...in fact, no GAMER can be without this third instalment in one of Konami's best franchises on the market.
GameZone May 4, 2024
Fun, but lacks the intensity of the first game. The intensity was lessened with the sequel, perhaps due to the fact that it was a sequel and I had already experienced that kind of horror once. Silent Hill 3 uses the same scare tactics as the first two games, so unless you're a newcomer, you probably won't be too horrified.