January 30, 2013

Skulls of the Shogun

Skulls of the Shogun
Based on 45 Ratings
Based on 48 Reviews
Release date
January 30, 2013


Los Angeles, California and Seattle, Washington Haunted Temple Studios announces Skulls of the Shogun, an invigorating cocktail of 1960s flavored sorcery and strategy in development for major gaming platforms. Washing up on the shores of the afterlife, players meet and join forces with vibrant ghost-samurai warriors, magical animal-monks, and mustachioed samurai generals on the way to capture Skulls of the Shogun. With its roots in classic turn-based strategy gaming, Skulls of the Shogun retains depth and adds a smooth, simple interface that makes it accessible and enjoyable even to players new to the genre. Players immerse themselves in battle with fun and unique game play features amidst lush, eerie environments. Also featuring 4-player local and networked multi-player and an original score inspired by old samurai films and dub, Skulls of the Shogun offers simple-yet-deep, refined and offbeat game-play.

Skulls of the Shogun Trailer

Skulls of the Shogun Screenshots18

Critic Reviews48

Skulls of the Shogun is a nice turn based strategy with a positive attitude and enough depth.
May 13, 2013
Skulls of the Shogun is irreverent, challenging and, most of all, fun. It masterfully mixes humor with well-balanced gameplay to keep players coming back for more. If strategy is your thing, this is a must-buy.
April 12, 2013
Accessible, surprisingly innovative and completely engrossing.
February 27, 2013

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