
Sky Odyssey Critic Reviews

18 Total Reviews

15 Positive Reviews(83.3%)
3 Mixed Reviews(16.7%)
0 Negative Reviews(0%)

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Gamezilla! May 9, 2024
The stunning 3D worlds will knock your socks off, and the mix of aircraft will keep you coming back for more. Sky Odyssey is remarkable -- every PlayStation 2 owner should rush out to grab this one. Trust me, you won't be disappointed.
TotalGames.net May 9, 2024
Should you feed this particular 12 shiny purple centimetres of powerful, liberating gameplay to your hungry PS2, you’ll be grateful too: you won’t remove it until you’ve finished the whole thing at least twice.
TotalPlayStation May 9, 2024
The gameplay speaks for itself.
IGN May 9, 2024
An amazing game and if you're one of the lucky people that have been able to get a hold of a PS 2, you really ought to treat yourself to one of this year's most impressive software titles by buying this epic flight adventure. You won't be disappointed.
Total Video Games May 9, 2024
Sky Odyssey brings all sorts of elements from "Pilot Wings" and packs them together with a fligh-based adventure, making this a fresh original title that you must have.
GamerWeb Sony May 9, 2024
It's about pure gameplay and solid mission design, and it's also a hypnotic experience.
Daily Radar May 9, 2024
Some players may not find it terribly thrilling, but for those who are looking for aerial excitement, Sky Odyssey is a must-own.
GameSpot May 9, 2024
Those that are willing to overlook the game's graphical imperfections and can grapple with its relatively steep learning curve will be rewarded with a fully satisfying game experience.
All Game Guide May 9, 2024
Offers some of the variety and entertainment that was promised from the launch but ultimately failed to materialize.
Hot Games May 9, 2024
Simplicity with a reliance on skill over chance is generally the recipe for console gaming success, and that's the case with Sky Odyssey -- this is gameplay in its purest form, and despite the oft-times ugly visuals, it's an addictive and enjoyable experience.
CNET Gamecenter May 9, 2024
A unique gameplay experience. If you can leave the guns, bombs, monsters, and aliens behind, you'll find plenty of variety and replayability here to keep you hooked for some time.
Da Gameboyz May 9, 2024
The music is amazing and sets the mood brilliantly, the gameplay is well thought out and effectively conveys the feeling of flight while keeping it fun enough for a video game.
Happy Puppy May 9, 2024
The graphics aren't quite up to par, but the game makes up for it with tons of innovative and enjoyable missions, excellent physics, and enough planes and customization options to please even the most demanding flight-simulation fans.
GameSpy May 9, 2024
Mildly enjoyable, but I found it hardly engaging.
Yahoo! May 9, 2024
One of the most innovative and enjoyable titles of 2000.
Electric Playground May 9, 2024
While flight sim or "Pilotwings" fans will dig the emphasis on pure flight skill rather than on possessing an itchy trigger finger, they may still be put off by the drab visuals that would look more at home on the N64 than the PS2.
PSX Nation May 9, 2024
For the most of us, Sky Odyssey will remain an overly difficult game with little reward for the complicated and time consuming missions.
GamePro May 9, 2024
You'll have more fun cruising third class on a no name charter.